French Poetry Today
Titles of the Individual Presentations in a Panel
Jacques Roubaud and How Fashioning Sonnets Becomes a Game (Olga Amarie) French Poetry Today (Florin Beschea)
Subject Area
French and Francophone Studies
Jacques Roubaud and How Fashioning Sonnets Becomes a Game (Olga Amarie)
The present study is intended as an introduction to the reading rules of ∈ by Jacques Roubaud. More precisely, it is designed to interpret a playful and multilingual reading of ∈ rather than as a display thereof. We hope that, through an explanation of these rules, we may be able to offer a coherent exposition of Jacques Roubaud’s sonnet theory. In addition, as we shall see, ∈ is a distinctly nonuniform text, which makes the search for uniform rules far more problematic than it might be otherwise in a more traditional body of work. ∈ can arguably serve as the archetypical example of a text under formal constraint. The most used form in ∈ is that of a sonnet, a short poem with a highly organized structure. The device itself, fourteen lines and a strict rhyme scheme, is not very old, first attested in the thirteenth century by the Italian poet Giacomo da Lentini. But in writing ∈, Roubaud decided to do without the rigid structure, which is by far the most popular and complicated, with very few variances, form of poetry. Thus, while the formal constraint used in this text is conceptually restricted to the sonnet, the game of GO, and multilingualism, the obstacles which it poses in the reading domain are very intricate.
French Poetry Today (Florin Beschea)
Brief Bio Note
Olga Amarie is a faculty member at Georgia Southern University since 2011, an Assistant Professor of French, she holds a Ph.D. in French Literature from Indiana University, Bloomington. Her areas of specialization are Twenty and Twenty-First Century French Novel and French Thought, teaching with technology and film studies.
Poetry, Game, Roubaud, Constraint
Coastal Georgia Center
Presentation Year
Start Date
4-7-2016 3:50 PM
End Date
4-7-2016 4:10 PM
Recommended Citation
Beschea, Florin, "French Poetry Today" (2016). South East Coastal Conference on Languages & Literatures (SECCLL). 31.
French Poetry Today
Coastal Georgia Center
Jacques Roubaud and How Fashioning Sonnets Becomes a Game (Olga Amarie)
The present study is intended as an introduction to the reading rules of ∈ by Jacques Roubaud. More precisely, it is designed to interpret a playful and multilingual reading of ∈ rather than as a display thereof. We hope that, through an explanation of these rules, we may be able to offer a coherent exposition of Jacques Roubaud’s sonnet theory. In addition, as we shall see, ∈ is a distinctly nonuniform text, which makes the search for uniform rules far more problematic than it might be otherwise in a more traditional body of work. ∈ can arguably serve as the archetypical example of a text under formal constraint. The most used form in ∈ is that of a sonnet, a short poem with a highly organized structure. The device itself, fourteen lines and a strict rhyme scheme, is not very old, first attested in the thirteenth century by the Italian poet Giacomo da Lentini. But in writing ∈, Roubaud decided to do without the rigid structure, which is by far the most popular and complicated, with very few variances, form of poetry. Thus, while the formal constraint used in this text is conceptually restricted to the sonnet, the game of GO, and multilingualism, the obstacles which it poses in the reading domain are very intricate.
French Poetry Today (Florin Beschea)