Creating a Culture of Care:A Guide for School Leaders to Develop Systems and Structures That Support Educator Well-Being
Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
The Cambio Group
First Presenter’s Email Address
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Session One - Feature Presentation
Strand #1
Heart: Social & Emotional Skills
Strand #2
Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership
Brief Program Description
In this interactive workshop, participants will explore what it means to teach and lead for equity within the current challenging contexts in which we all find ourselves. Dr. Shields will guide participants through a series of practical exercises to explore their emerging understanding of how equity work connects to other teaching and learning initiatives.
In addition, the facilitator will guide participants through a series of reflective questions to deepen their understanding of equity work and give them tangible strategies that can be used immediately when engaging with their most vulnerable, underserved students. The professional learning tools highlighted in this session are intended to develop leaders with an equity lens and mindset. Leaders will actively work toward creating equitable practices, policies, and structures using an equity lens. They will be equipped to help related education networks and communities—small and large—to do the same.
Feature Presentation
Learning Objective 1
Define and discuss the word Ubuntu
Learning Objective 2
Understand how individual and organizational bias impacts decision-making, communication/tone, student and teacher outcomes, and policies.
Learning Objective 3
Recognize how centering equity in decision-making can be a win-win-win for the organization, employees, and customers.
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-3-2024 10:15 AM
Recommended Citation
Shields, LaMar Darnell Ph.D, "Creating a Culture of Care:A Guide for School Leaders to Develop Systems and Structures That Support Educator Well-Being" (2024). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 99.
Creating a Culture of Care:A Guide for School Leaders to Develop Systems and Structures That Support Educator Well-Being
Session One - Feature Presentation
In this interactive workshop, participants will explore what it means to teach and lead for equity within the current challenging contexts in which we all find ourselves. Dr. Shields will guide participants through a series of practical exercises to explore their emerging understanding of how equity work connects to other teaching and learning initiatives.
In addition, the facilitator will guide participants through a series of reflective questions to deepen their understanding of equity work and give them tangible strategies that can be used immediately when engaging with their most vulnerable, underserved students. The professional learning tools highlighted in this session are intended to develop leaders with an equity lens and mindset. Leaders will actively work toward creating equitable practices, policies, and structures using an equity lens. They will be equipped to help related education networks and communities—small and large—to do the same.