
Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Laurens County School District

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Educator - 9 years in Laurens County School District Program Instructor and Developer of the Growing Young Men Program (G.Y.M.) - established in 2019. Savannah State University - Bachelor's of Science (CRJ) University of Phoenix - Master's Secondary Teacher Education 2024 East Laurens High School Teacher of the Year Personal: Married for 27 years with a family of five children and five grandchildren. Loves being a servant and making a difference in the lives of the NEXT generation and not NET generation. Motto: "Expect Success In All You Do"


Session Four

Strand #1

Heart: Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership


The Growing Young Men program proposal is relevant to the Heart: Social & Emotional Skills strand based on its development of male scholar's character skills and life skills development that are required in building relationships abroad so that they can become aware, alert, informed, and productive in today's society. Furthermore, the Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership strand is based on their required academic, behavior and attendance performance while in the program. This program is designed to help each young male scholar to develop and improve on their leadership skills in relation to the curriculum.

Brief Program Description

The Growing Young Men program recognizes that we possess an important role in providing leadership in character development for the scholars of our community. We believe that character education and the development of life skills are vital to helping our scholars become good citizens in society.


The Growing Young Men program focuses on the "Nine Growing Traits of Character" to help grow the next generation of leaders. These include : Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Commitment, Resilience, Tolerance, Compassion, Citizenship and Accomplishment. We believe that all students involved in the Growing Young Men program should be afforded the opportunity to exhibit a solid foundation of good behavior, increased academic growth and continuous work ethic daily. Each scholar within the program have the chance to reap the benefits of their individual performances by increasing their academic scores, decreasing attendance and behavior incident, improving their communication and life skills, learning to dress professionally, as well as, staying on track to graduate on time. Finally, this program is a direct reflection of helping our young male scholars to move forward in life with the necessary skills required beyond regular academic classes in order to be successful in real-life.


Growing Young Men Data from East Laurens High School

Program established in 2019 at East Laurens High School.

ELHS Participants from 2019 - 2023: 179

ELHS Participants remaining in program from: 119 (freshman - juniors).

ELHS Participants opting out of program: 10 due to schedule conflict or work-based learning program.

ELHS Seniors graduating on time while in program: 59

**Program implemented at the Laurens County Crossroads Alternative School in 2022.

ELHS Success Stories:

Military - 20

College - 22

Workforce - 17

Learning Objective 1

help promote mental well-being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life.

Learning Objective 2

provide character and life skills that help scholars become independent as possible in hopes of obtaining employment.

Learning Objective 3

help improve the communication and social skills required to build relationships in the real world.

Keyword Descriptors

Communication, independence, diversity, awareness, empowered, encouraged, accountability, potential, purpose, success.

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2024 8:30 AM

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Mar 5th, 8:30 AM

Growing Young Men - Transitioning and Transforming

Session Four

The Growing Young Men program recognizes that we possess an important role in providing leadership in character development for the scholars of our community. We believe that character education and the development of life skills are vital to helping our scholars become good citizens in society.