Subverting Summer Slide - ELL Camp Program
Poster Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Princeton High School
First Presenter’s Email Address
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Andrea Dinan is a high school teacher working in the guidance department at Princeton Public Schools in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. She has been a teacher for 23 years and directs the service learning and tutoring programs for the district. In the summer, she directs an ELL English immersion camp in her community. In 2006, Andrea completed her doctorate in educational leadership. Her dissertation focused upon the academic impact of service-learning programs in NJ secondary schools.
Second Presenter's Institution
Princeton Public Schools
Second Presenter’s Email Address
Second Presenter's Brief Biography
Christine Carbone has worked as a high school Social Studies teacher for Princeton High School for 19 years. She has been involved with the ELL and SLIFE students since 2010. Carbone has a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Rider University and a certificate in Multicultural Education from Laverne University.
Poster Mingle and Reception
Strand #1
Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership
Strand #2
Heart: Social & Emotional Skills
ELL and SIFE students face multiple hurdles in seeking education, including language barriers, limited or disrupted education,various forms of discrimination and issue of personal safety. We have created a summer program that supports our students while combating summer slide. Our strategies and programs have effectively improved overall attendance and graduation rate. These practices and program can easily be replicated in other districts for limited costs and provide leadership and service opportunities for non ELL students.
Brief Program Description
SLIFE/ESL Students at the High School Level
Attend this poster session to learn about Princeton Public School District’s summer English Language program. Our Summer Camp engages high school ELL students in academic and co-curricular activities promoting English language proficiency while inviting students to become active participants in the school community.
English Language Summer Camp was developed to address summer slide and support new and current ESL/Slife Students in our high school. Utilizing the conceptual framework formulated by Wida, we have created a camp that engages our students in every day English application as well as develops confidence in speaking and navigating our school and surrounding community.
Our poster will include steps to creating a summer English camp that can be run in person or virtually. A history ESOL teacher will be available to discuss curriculum and teaching practices that can be utilized by all teachers at the secondary level and the director of the summer camp will be available to discuss programming and college and career support services.
The practices we have implemented have motivated our students and have improved their attendance and engagement in school. Our improved relations with community organizations have resulted in more resources and programming support. Students outside the ESL program as well as an increased number of faculty members have become involved in this work. We will share small scale and large scale changes that attendees can implement in their own schools.
Our dropout rate for ELL/SLIFE students has improved by 50% and the last two classes of ESL/SLIFE students that graduated are attending Community College or Adult Vocational School.
Learning Objective 1
Identify community resources needed to create similar programming in their districts.
Learning Objective 2
Gain an understanding of the needs unique to SLIFE students
Learning Objective 3
Obtain strategies to create comprehensive, year long programming for SLIFE students
Keyword Descriptors
ELL, Camp, Summer Slide, Academic Language
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-7-2022 4:45 PM
End Date
3-7-2022 6:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Dinan, Andrea L., "Subverting Summer Slide - ELL Camp Program" (2022). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 31.
Subverting Summer Slide - ELL Camp Program
Poster Mingle and Reception
SLIFE/ESL Students at the High School Level
Attend this poster session to learn about Princeton Public School District’s summer English Language program. Our Summer Camp engages high school ELL students in academic and co-curricular activities promoting English language proficiency while inviting students to become active participants in the school community.