
Individual Presentation

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Thriving Youniversity

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Third Presenter's Institution


Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Session 5 (Vernon)

Strand #1

Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Mental & Physical Health


  • Relates to the Head Strand because research has shown an increase in students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points when SEL practices are successfully implemented
  • Relates to the Head, Heart and Health Strands because "SEL programming can have a positive impact up to 18 years later on academics, conduct problems, emotional distress, and drug use" (
  • Relates to the Health Strand because research has shown that a sense of belonging and strong social connections have a positive impact on physical and emotional well-being.

Brief Program Description

In this engaging session, Dr. Joelle Hood will demonstrate how SEL needs to be modeled from all adults and integrated into all areas of the school site and district. She will share how she has brought this deep dive learning into Executive Cabinets and District Management Retreats, into multi-day sessions with teachers and counselors, and into an innovative and interactive online course to empower educators with the opportunity to strengthen their own social-emotional intelligence, well-being and resilience, and deepen their understanding of WHY these skills are so important to students and staff. Participants will engage in discussions and activities that they can immediately replicate with their staff. to initiate positive change in the lives of all stakeholders. The experiential learning is designed to help leaders have a deeper understanding of S.E.A.L. in order to provide support and guidance to their staff, as well as to infuse this mindset into site and district practices.


Research is clear that social-emotional learning (SEL) is critical for student success in school, college, work, and life. An ever-increasing number of schools and districts across the globe are realizing the importance of SEL, but many are not sure where it fits in-- whether it is a behavioral intervention or something extra to add into already jam-packed academic content. The truth is, SEL isn’t separate from academics – the two go hand-in-hand, and that is why this series is called S.E.A.L. – Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning. Research is also clear on the fact that successful and sustainable S.E.A.L. isn’t focused on a program. It’s focused on the people who deliver it, from top to bottom.

Adults in education are usually pretty good at the education part. After all, we’re familiar with academic content – we learned it in school ourselves. The difference with SEL is that most adults haven’t taken courses in emotional intelligence or engaged in activities intentionally designed to strengthen their own social-emotional skills. This produces a disconnect and makes it much harder to implement, as many teachers and leaders do not feel efficacious about the content themselves, let alone their capacity to model it, encourage it, deliver it to others. If schools and districts are truly in favor of prioritizing SEL in the classroom, they will need to learn how to intentionally and consistently prioritize it in the board room, staff room and throughout the organization. SEL starts with all of the adults. It is NOT something that we just give to students.


"There are statistically significant associations between SEL skills in kindergarten and key outcomes for young adults years later. SEL decreased the likelihood of living in or being on a waiting list for public housing, receiving public assistance, having any involvement with police before adulthood, and ever spending time in a detention facility. Read the 2015 national study published in the American Journal of Public Health." (

In their exhaustive report, The Aspen Institute's From A Nation At Risk to A Nation At Hope: Recommendations from the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development provides extensive research to support why Social Emotional Learning is so crucial to the learning process and is the road to rigor, not the sacrifice of it.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Joelle Hood brings over 25 years of educational and leadership experience to her clients. As a former "Teacher of the Year" and "Principal of the Year", Joelle brings passion, energy, and expertise to helping all humans thrive. In addition to her doctorate degree in Organizational Change and Leadership from USC, she has a BA in Psychology and an MA in Educational Leadership. She is a Certified Life Coach through iPEC, holds a certification in Social Emotional Learning Leadership from Rutger's University, and is a graduate of the Mindful Schools Year-Long Mindfulness Instructor Certification program and the UC Berkeley Greater Good SEL Summer Institute for Educators. She provides researched-based keynotes, coaching, and experiential learning workshops to individuals and groups, as well as to educational, human services, and corporate organizations throughout the nation. Her areas of passion and expertise include: Leadership, Positive Psychology, Human Thriving and Flourishing, Well-being, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, The Science of Belonging, Mindset, Employee Engagement, Social, Emotional & Academic Learning, School Culture Transformation, Restorative Practices, Workplace Wellness, Team-building and Resilience.

Keyword Descriptors

Social emotional and academic learning, well-being, connection, mental health

Presentation Year

March 2020

Start Date

3-10-2020 10:15 AM

End Date

3-10-2020 11:30 AM

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Mar 10th, 10:15 AM Mar 10th, 11:30 AM

Integrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning (S.E.A.L.) Into School Culture: It Starts With All of the Adults

Session 5 (Vernon)

In this engaging session, Dr. Joelle Hood will demonstrate how SEL needs to be modeled from all adults and integrated into all areas of the school site and district. She will share how she has brought this deep dive learning into Executive Cabinets and District Management Retreats, into multi-day sessions with teachers and counselors, and into an innovative and interactive online course to empower educators with the opportunity to strengthen their own social-emotional intelligence, well-being and resilience, and deepen their understanding of WHY these skills are so important to students and staff. Participants will engage in discussions and activities that they can immediately replicate with their staff. to initiate positive change in the lives of all stakeholders. The experiential learning is designed to help leaders have a deeper understanding of S.E.A.L. in order to provide support and guidance to their staff, as well as to infuse this mindset into site and district practices.