Utilizing Hip Hop & African-American History as Change Agents for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Second Presenter's Institution
Third Presenter's Institution
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Session 5 (Scarbrough 5)
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
Strand #2
Mental & Physical Health
1. Gain an historical overview of Hip Hop and its significance, and the role it continues to play among youth populations. 2. Increase educator’s knowledge of the significance of gangs for specific youth populations 3. Ways to improve self-concept, by incorporating African American history as a teaching tool.
Brief Program Description
The hip hop culture has been criticized for its depiction and glamorization of sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, teenage pregnancy, and overall negative character traits. However, the roots of hip hop culture encompassing varied communication mediums, conflict resolution, anti gang, pro-social skills, entrepreneurialism, and knowledge of self through cultural pride are hip hops guiding principles. These principles served as a positive code of ethics for youth and the blueprint for Wholistic Stress Control Institute, Inc. sexual risk avoidance and wellness program.
Calling all health educators interested in utilizing hip hop and African American history as an educational teaching tool. The objectives for this educational and engaging workshop will provide innovative ideas to: 1) engage youth utilizing hip hop music; 2) integrate African American history to enhance positive identity concepts; and 3) increase pro-social skills to prevent teenage pregnancy prevention and other negative behaviors
Biographical Sketch
Kelvin Walston holds a Bachelor’s of Art Degree in History from Elizabeth City State University. Mr. Walston has a Master of Arts Degree in African Studies with a concentration in African History from Clark Atlanta University. He is the Associate Director for Wholistic Stress Control Institute and the Director of Programs and Trainings. Mr. Walston has approximately served over 5,000 youth and adults through various programs. He co-authored and developed an evidence-based HIV/AIDS curriculum entitled Color It Real. Color It Real integrates African American History and Hip Hop into an evidence- based HIV/AIDS curriculum.
Presentation Year
March 2020
Start Date
3-10-2020 10:15 AM
End Date
3-10-2020 11:30 AM
Recommended Citation
Walston, Kelvin, "Utilizing Hip Hop & African-American History as Change Agents for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention" (2020). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 119.
Utilizing Hip Hop & African-American History as Change Agents for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Session 5 (Scarbrough 5)
The hip hop culture has been criticized for its depiction and glamorization of sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, teenage pregnancy, and overall negative character traits. However, the roots of hip hop culture encompassing varied communication mediums, conflict resolution, anti gang, pro-social skills, entrepreneurialism, and knowledge of self through cultural pride are hip hops guiding principles. These principles served as a positive code of ethics for youth and the blueprint for Wholistic Stress Control Institute, Inc. sexual risk avoidance and wellness program.