Collaboration- The Key to Assess and Correct


Poster Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Dalton State College

Second Presenter's Institution


Third Presenter's Institution


Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Poster Session (Harborside)

Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership


  1. The proposal- Collaboration: The Key to Assess and Correct relates to the HEAD strand providing students opportunities for growth, increased math confidence, increased academic performance, and reversal of misconceptions/error patterns that potentially affect future conceptual understandings.This proposal aligns with the the conference theme "Helping Adults Serve Youth" as it engages participants in methods and strategies adults(educators, parents, family members, communities) can use to serve youth and help in achieving academic understanding and success.

Brief Program Description

  1. 1. Collaboration-The Key to Assess and Correct, chronicles the experiences of ECE teacher candidates and mentor teachers’ intentional collaboration efforts during math time to deeply examine students and gain information regarding their learning.


  1. 1. According to Ashlock (2010) many students face misunderstandings in mathematics simply because they lack depth of understanding of various concepts which also severely affects procedural understanding. One College requires ECE students to take a math methods course specifically designed to give teacher candidates opportunities to diagnose student error patterns and design appropriate remediation/correctives. The School of Education partners with area school districts to give teacher candidates the experiences needed to grow into effective educators. During the semester, teacher candidates select three focus students experiencing problems in mathematics and collaborate with the site teacher in determining tutoring time, instructional strategies, implementation of various activities etc. While working with student’s, teacher candidates determine strengths and weaknesses in mathematics and implement diagnostic procedures used to determine specific problems the child is experiencing in math. The purpose of this proposal seeks to explore the idea of meaningful collaboration between teacher candidates and mentor teachers as they plan, discuss, share, and implement strategies that aid in assessing math misconceptions, correcting error patterns, and increasing the math confidence of low performing students. During these experiences both educators collaboratively take the time to:

-learn student misconceptions and find student error patterns-collect student data through a variety of methods

-allow student to self-assess mistakes and to become more accountable for understanding errors.

-Analyze student assessments and plan effective sessions based on findings.

-Interview students and take the time to learn student dispositions towards mathematics and school.

-Form relationships with students through dialogue

-get at student’s thinking

-observe and record student behavior


Literature such as, How Real Teachers Learn To Engage All Learners(2013), and Qualities of An Effective Teacher(2007), suggest that teachers- whether novice or veteran -need to continuously learn as a means to gain expertise and increase student achievement. There are many ideas that teacher candidates can share with veteran teachers that will increase the veteran teachers’ knowledge base. On the other hand, teacher candidates also learn from veteran teachers a variety of instructional strategies and methods that have proven successful in increasing student achievement. Therefore, two educators placed in a learning environment to assist students in gaining math confidence and success-will require collaboration. Furthermore, research shows increased positive attitudes in teachers who participate in collaborative efforts (Stronge,2007). Literature also suggests that teachers can use misconceptions and error patterns as an opportunity to allow students to learn through discussion where students are collaborators and interpreters of their learning(Thompson, 2003).

Biographical Sketch

  1. 1. Sharlonne Smith has more than 12 years of experience in the classroom and currently works as an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Dalton State College. As an educator she has diverse teaching experiences in urban/ rural settings and has taught all content areas and grade levels (upper elementary, middle school). Her educational background includes a doctorate in middle level education from the University of Georgia, and her research focus includes social class, teacher education, urban education, and mathematics education. She previously worked as a middle grades mathematics teacher and has served on several leadership and school improvement committees.

Keyword Descriptors

Mathematics, Teacher Collaboration, Student self assessment, error patterns, math misconceptions

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2019 4:00 PM

End Date

3-5-2019 5:30 PM

This document is currently not available here.


Mar 5th, 4:00 PM Mar 5th, 5:30 PM

Collaboration- The Key to Assess and Correct

Poster Session (Harborside)

  1. 1. Collaboration-The Key to Assess and Correct, chronicles the experiences of ECE teacher candidates and mentor teachers’ intentional collaboration efforts during math time to deeply examine students and gain information regarding their learning.