Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Cincinnati Public Schools
Second Presenter's Institution
Cincinnati Public Schools
Third Presenter's Institution
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Session 1 (Ballroom D)
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
Strand #2
Family & Community
While our presentation relates to all five strands, it most closely relates to the Head (academic achievement and leadership) and the Home (family and community engagement). The heart strand is relevant because our program collaborates with a multitude of shelters, social service programs and agencies and post secondary providers. The head strand is relevant because we have utilized our resources to ensure graduation and post-secondary success for our youth who are experiencing homelessness.
Brief Program Description
This session will discuss best practices for working with high school students experiencing homelessness. Strategies will include programming to achieve both high school and post-secondary success.
Our focus as is determined by the McKinney-Vento Act is to ensure youth experiencing homelessness are identified and receive appropriate services, which include immediate enrollment, transportation, school supplies, uniform/clothing, school breakfast/lunch, tutoring, counseling, medical/dental services and other services/referrals as needed. Due to changes in the ESSA guidelines, requiring more accountability with regard to graduation rates, we have developed a model where to a licensed guidance counselor provides targeted graduation pathway support by closely monitoring credits and ensuring that post-secondary programs meet the unique needs of each student. Under our model we meet regularly with high school students to ensure their education plan is executed. Enlist, Enroll, Employ are the potential pathways and the counselor will ensure that transitional supports are in place to increase retention in these post-secondary programs.
Over the past five years, our graduation rates have exceeded 90% with the 2018 graduation rate being 95%. We subscribe to the American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) model of academic, career and social/emotional development. By utilizing a holistic model we factor in adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and use these to inform strategies and programming that build resilience and self-efficacy. Our model uses a strength based approach to assist our district's most vulnerable students.
Biographical Sketch
We prefer an individual presentation and will provide handouts with strategies and resources.
Keyword Descriptors
Homeless, Post-Secondary Success, Graduation
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-4-2019 10:30 AM
End Date
3-4-2019 11:45 AM
Recommended Citation
Hattemer, Leslie and Beach, Rebeka, "Academic Success and Stability in High School and Beyond for Youth Experiencing Homelessness" (2019). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 2.
Academic Success and Stability in High School and Beyond for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Session 1 (Ballroom D)
This session will discuss best practices for working with high school students experiencing homelessness. Strategies will include programming to achieve both high school and post-secondary success.