A, B, C, D, Schwa: Improving Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers
Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Anita D. Sanders
Second Presenter's Institution
Third Presenter's Institution
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
Strand #2
Social & Emotional Skills
I am a North Carolina Foundations of Reading (NC SIP Reading Foundations) trainer. As a university professor, I found many of our college students were having significant difficult meeting the literacy licensure requirements. Therefore, I needed a fast-pace and research based remedy. I completed the training which allows me to establish a crosswalk between the course goals and licensure test requirements. In addition, it strengthened the novice teachers ability to provide effective literacy instruction to her students which started within the clinical experience and continued through employment. The novice educators and their clinical educators commented on stronger practices demonstrated by the novice educators and increased student achievement. I believe we are taking small steps with big outcomes.
Brief Program Description
A, B, C, D, Schwa is a fast paced, research-based, hands-on literacy experience. This experience will allow teachers to reinforce strong instructional literacy practices with proven effectiveness. The activities support increasing academic achievement , student engagement, student generalization, and support research based reading for struggling readers.
A, B, C, D, Schwa will stop some in their tracks for what is a schwa. I was in college before I realized there was a name for the backwards "e". I still can't believe that it took me that long to realize a sound was also associated with the "e". A realization that increasing the level of literacy is an act of social and moral justice and the key to successful interdisciplinary instruction.
The goals for this workshop is to empower educators with the skills necessary to increase student engagement, student generalization of skills, academic achievement, and if time permits family engagement. Participants will practice sounds, making literacy materials, and gather strategies.
The goals for this workshop include: understanding phonological and phonemic awareness, concepts of the alphabetic principle, vocabulary development, word analysis skills/strategies, word identification, vocabulary instruction, graphophonemic awareness, and interdisciplinary fluency. If you are having reading difficulties, it will impact other disciplines.
It is fast paced so come ready to sprint while gathering useful tools to the finish line with your students.
There is an alignment between the required North Carolina Foundations of reading licensure examination for new teachers and the North Carolina Reading Foundations improvement project. This workshop is based on tested strategies and skills from the training. I attended the training and am a state certified trainer. In addition, I conducted training with my university students where I aligned the concepts taught which I felt they needed to be successful Literacy Teachers and to help them pass the North Carolina Foundations of Reading Test. Our scores on the licensure exam increased and the Clinical Educators assigned to work with our students described improved performance and stronger literacy instructional presentations to the students. They also noted growth in their students achievement scores. The process is effective.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Anita D. Sanders, Ed.D. is an Assistant Professor of Education at Gardner-Webb University. She teaches graduate and undergraduate coursework. She is also an Instructor for the University of Phoenix where she works with Doctoral Studies. She also is a Literacy Trainer certified by the State of North Carolina.
She is a strong advocate for Children and speaks out against bullies. She conducts seminars and workshops addressing Bullytics. As a victim of workplace bullying, she strongly advocates for stronger policies. In addition, she is an active Guardian Ad Litem.
Keyword Descriptors
literacy, self-esteem, reading, struggling, readers, schwa, lexicon
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-7-2018 9:45 AM
End Date
3-7-2018 11:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Sanders, Anita, "A, B, C, D, Schwa: Improving Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers" (2018). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 66.
A, B, C, D, Schwa: Improving Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers
A, B, C, D, Schwa is a fast paced, research-based, hands-on literacy experience. This experience will allow teachers to reinforce strong instructional literacy practices with proven effectiveness. The activities support increasing academic achievement , student engagement, student generalization, and support research based reading for struggling readers.