Behavior is a Symptom, NOT the Problem! Getting to the Root
Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
hustle university
Second Presenter's Institution
Third Presenter's Institution
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Strand #1
Social & Emotional Skills
Strand #2
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
Workshop demonstrates innovative non-exclusionary conflict resolution, classroom management and discipline skills. Integrates best practices in cultural diversity, resiliency and positive relationship building into a school-wide climate transformation. Shares techniques for teaching resilience, coping and thriving skills.
Brief Program Description
Behavior is a Symptom demystifies the common behavior problems exhibited in schools by first explaining WHY they occur and the teaching HOW to change them.
Behavior is a Symptom demystifies the common behavior problems exhibited in schools by first explaining WHY they occur and the teaching HOW to change them. This workshop will: share the precursors that lead to all behavior, inform on how to transform academic and behavioral outcomes, explain what leads to at-risk behaviors and why people repeat the same negative behaviors and demonstrate how relevance and relationships impact behavior. In the end, attendees will be introduced to what is being called "The New PBIS"!
Based on research by Lawrence Kolhberg and his 4 Stages of Discipline and case studies from a multiple schools.
Biographical Sketch
Education Success Strategist and Congressional award-winning author, Hotep is widely known for his proactive, “tough love” approach to education. He is a 15-year master teacher that has developed a reputation for requesting the most troubled students and transforming them into willing participants in their own education. Hotep is the founder of the MAKE A WAY program, a series of high relevancy curricula which are used in over 1000 schools throughout the U.S. His profound work has earned him nominations for the Presidential Citizen’s Award and as a CNN Hero. Hotep is also creator of the revolutionary Outcome Progression Model, which he uses to transform the climate and culture of poverty, excuse making and helplessness into one of hope, empowerment, resiliency and success!
Keyword Descriptors
behavior, discipline
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-5-2018 3:00 PM
End Date
3-5-2018 4:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Benzo, Akhenaton, "Behavior is a Symptom, NOT the Problem! Getting to the Root" (2018). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 28.
Behavior is a Symptom, NOT the Problem! Getting to the Root
Behavior is a Symptom demystifies the common behavior problems exhibited in schools by first explaining WHY they occur and the teaching HOW to change them.