Panel Discussion: Unmasking Mean Girls
Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Evans County Schools
Second Presenter's Institution
Third Presenter's Institution
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Scarbrough 2
Strand #1
Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership
Strand #2
Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership
This featured panel discusses the prevalence of female juvenile violence; reported incidences of this violence; the life pathways that lead girls to violence; the factors associated with resistance from violent behavior; and implications for families, schools, and communities for ending violent school-girl behavior.
Brief Program Description
This featured panel discusses the prevalence of female juvenile violence; reported incidences of this violence; the life pathways that lead girls to violence; the factors associated with resistance from violent behavior; and implications for families, schools, and communities for ending violent school-girl behavior.
Presenter will provide.
Cassandra Campbell, Program Manager, Direct Delivery Bullying Prevention for Girl Scouts, Girls Scouts of Historic Georgia, Savannah, GA; LaShaune Lee, LICSW, Clinical Social Work Coordinator, Christ Child Society, Washington, DC; Phylicia Anderson, MSW, District Behavior Interventionist, Savannah Chatham County Public School System, Savannah, GA; Chanel Banks, MSW, Program Coordinator,Christ Child Society, Washington, DC; Adair White-johnson, Ph.D., Youth Empowerment Expert, Executive Director, The Empowerment House, Powder Springs, GA;Kiana Battle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Social Work, Middle Georgia State University, Griffin, GA; Antoinette L. Dunstan, Education Specialist, Mentor and Peer Facilitation Coordinator, Rockdale County Public Schools, Conyers, GA; and Natalie S. King, Ph.D., Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Learning Objectives
presenter will provide.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Felton is currently serving as Assistant Principal for third, fourth, and fifth grades. She is responsible for developing and managing the After-School Care Program for Claxton Elementary. She has spent over 25 years in education in Georgia and in Miami-Dade County, Florida. She worked as an Adjunct Professor at Barry University in Miami Shores, FL, instructing students earning their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in education and also served as the Vice President for the National Board Certified Teachers of Miami-Dade. She moved to Statesboro, Georgia in 2014 after accepting the position of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for Bulloch County Public Schools. Dr. Felton’s academic degrees include: earning a MBA from Strayer University in Washington, DC, a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, a Specialist degree in Reading K–12 and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida, and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from SC State University in Orangeburg, SC. She has been National Board Certified in the area of Early Childhood since 2001.
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-6-2018 1:00 PM
End Date
3-6-2018 2:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Felton, Mary A., "Panel Discussion: Unmasking Mean Girls" (2018). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 171.
Panel Discussion: Unmasking Mean Girls
Scarbrough 2
This featured panel discusses the prevalence of female juvenile violence; reported incidences of this violence; the life pathways that lead girls to violence; the factors associated with resistance from violent behavior; and implications for families, schools, and communities for ending violent school-girl behavior.