
Poster Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Noble Truth Project Inc.

Second Presenter's Institution

Noble Truth Project Inc.

Third Presenter's Institution

Noble Truth Project Inc.

Fourth Presenter's Institution

Noble Truth Project Inc.

Fifth Presenter's Institution

Noble Truth Project Inc.

Strand #1

Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Academic Achievement & School Leadership


Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste, is most connected to the National Youth At-Risk Conference, strand of Heart. Our presentation and social emotional curriculum will highlight ways to increase student achievement as well as promote positive decision making skills.

Brief Program Description

Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste, is designed for school and community leaders to learn about the human brain. According to Dr. Nirav Shah, a board certified neurosurgeon, “The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows us to think and feel, and enables us to have memories and feelings – all the things that make us human”. Within our presentation we will highlight the benefits or incorporating brain based instructional practices into the modern classroom. We will display our innovative brain based curriculum that has transformed adjudicated adolescences into college students and business owners. Through the understanding of the human brain, school and community leaders will improve academic achievement, social and emotional skills, prevention violence, and encourage a healthy mental and physical community.


The Noble Truth Project Incorporated presentation entitled “Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste”, will educate community leaders of various activities to engage each developmental stage of the human brain in order to positively influence our youth’s decision-making skills. We will articulate our brain based curriculum identifying the four major developmental stages of the brain: reptilian, mammalian, primate, and pre-frontal lobe. Our innovative curriculum uses social emotional learning activities to cultivate critical thinkers. Instructing students on the functions of their brain have promoted positive behavior. We will provide our audience with meditative, emotional response, musical and visualization activities that nurture positive decision making skills.

The Noble Truth Project Incorporated in conjunction with Fulton County Juvenile Court has implemented a yearly diversion program since 2013. This program entitled “The Noble Truth Project (NTP)” aims to create a zero percent recidivism rate among our participating youth. NTP provides mindfulness trainings and enriching activities as a method to foster positive behavior for our adolescents. Through this one year program students have been challenged to think critically about their responses to situations. We have exposed students to physical fitness regimens and meditation techniques as a means to eliminate stress and anger. We know through the discipline of our program our students have been able to perform better in school, home, and throughout their community. Through our curriculum our students will become leaders in any setting and will have a sense of identity and compassion for others.


Over the past four years of our diversion program, serving over eighty youth had only twelve students reoffend. NTP’s recidivism rate is over 200% lower than Fulton County and many other municipalities in Metro-Atlanta. According to Dr. Tonneka Caddell, Associate Psychology Professor at San Bernardino Valley College, studies have indicated that youth involved in the Noble Truth Project “were successful in building up participants’ resistance to stress and depression”. Even though, 100% of our student participants are in alternative school or not enrolled in school we have had 68% obtain a high-school diploma or equivalent after one year of completion of our program.

Biographical Sketch

Originally from Newark, New Jersey, Ian Elmore-Moore has been dedicated to serving people. At the age of 25, he start a not for profit organization and LLC entitled The Noble Truth Project, devoted to transcending children, communities, and corporations through compassion and mindfulness. Ian is a life coach and spiritual advisor. He also serves as a certified Georgia educator, with several years of classroom experience and a certified RYT-200 Kemetic yoga instructor. Ian currently enjoys his role as Gang Prevention & Intervention coordinator for the city of Atlanta and Fulton County and is a current candidate in a Masters of Educational Leadership Program at Kennesaw State University. He was awarded a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Philosophy at Morehouse College and has served locally and globally as Vice-President of Psi chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., committee chair of Gate City Lodge #42 Prince Hall Affiliation Masons and selected as a college ambassador for service projects in both South Africa and Haiti. Ian looks forward to continuing his pursuit in transcending others through compassion and mindfulness. His goal is to awaken consciousness and help one grow spiritually. Through education, mindfulness, and persistence one will realize their self-worth and the impact that they have on the world.

Keyword Descriptors

Social Emotional Learning, Brain Based Instruction, Prevention, Intervention, Diversion, Juvenile, At-Risk, Choices and Consequences, Critical Thinking

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-6-2018 4:00 PM

End Date

3-6-2018 5:30 PM


Mar 6th, 4:00 PM Mar 6th, 5:30 PM

Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste

Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste, is designed for school and community leaders to learn about the human brain. According to Dr. Nirav Shah, a board certified neurosurgeon, “The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows us to think and feel, and enables us to have memories and feelings – all the things that make us human”. Within our presentation we will highlight the benefits or incorporating brain based instructional practices into the modern classroom. We will display our innovative brain based curriculum that has transformed adjudicated adolescences into college students and business owners. Through the understanding of the human brain, school and community leaders will improve academic achievement, social and emotional skills, prevention violence, and encourage a healthy mental and physical community.