From Surviving to Thriving…Transitioning Post Slavery Survival Skills to Beneficial Sustainable and Healthy Practices
Poster Presentation
Harborside Center East and West
Strand #1
Mental & Physical Health
Strand #2
Family & Community
IV Health: Mental & Physical Health: Promoting the mental and physical health of all children and youth especially for high-poverty populations. Some possible topics: Intervention, prevention, or treatment programs; Wellness programs; Counseling or therapy programs; Drug, alcohol, or tobacco education; Sex education; Teenage pregnancy, STD prevention; HIV/AIDS prevention; Physical or emotional disorders treatments; Eating disorders; ADD/ADHD treatment, Bipolar disorder treatment. V Home: Family & Community Developing and enhancing family and community support for all children and youth especially for high-poverty populations. Some possible topics: Parental engagement in school; Parental involvement in student achievement or discipline prevention; Effective communication with parents; Parenting skills and support; Adult-Youth partnerships; Mentoring; Foster care; Community programs, partnerships, or service projects; Internships; Business collaborations; University partnerships; Faith-based initiatives; Social service programs.
Brief Program Description
Learn how African Americans can take the creative genius of slavery cooking, wisdom of their grandparents’ survival tactics, and history of economical maneuver towards establishing new conscious sustainable practices that are beneficial to the brain, body and environment. Participants will see how to actively engage and educate youth in poverty how to take charge over their health & well being.
Today cancer is the #1 cause of disease related deaths for children, obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years with more than 1/3 being overweight or obese. Childhood and adolescent type II diabetes is at an alarming high with 80% of all children being overweight and 40% clinically obese. 4 out of 5 black women are obese or overweight. The top 4 leading diseases can all be prevented or reversed with simple lifestyle changes. We must show women (mostly of poverty) practical alternatives to shopping, preparing meals, and exercising in an urban setting. It is only then that we can start to motivate and empower our young people to break generational cycles of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and other related illnesses while also having them become an active participant in helping their environment become a better place. By providing them with the relevant knowledge of how detrimental eating habits adapted from post slavery have hindered our brains and bodies from functioning at optimum levels they will see the relevance and urgency to make necessary changes in their lifestyle habits. This will celebrate the creative genius of our grandparents with survival skills that are sustainable for our environment but have since fallen off popularity.
The latest research in Brain-Based Education and Neuroscience makes claims on how food changes can alter mood, mental focus/clarity, ADHD symptoms, and academic performance. Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a national bestseller of “Eat to Live” which provides a 6-week plan of nutrient-dense foods that help stop craving fats, sweet, and high calorie foods while shedding weight and recovering from life threatening illnesses, T Colin Campbell PhD is another national bestseller of what is considered the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted detailed in his book “The China Study”. In this comprehensive scientific study he presents documented research on how a change in diet can drastically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Also, best-selling author Dr. Daniel G. Amen uses his experience from being a physician, psychiatrist, and brain imaging specialist to discuss in his book, Change your brain, change your body: Use your brain to get the body you have always wanted.
Biographical Sketch
I have over fifteen successful years teaching (and volunteering) in both Alternative school settings, urban, and high poverty school systems. I have a Master of Science in Brain Research with concentration in Teaching & Learning from Nova Southeastern University. I am a Rawfoods certified chef and educator. I am a single mother and provider of four healthy and conscious children of which were constantly sick with illnesses until applying drastic changes that I now teach about. I will show from experience how a single mother of four on one income can indeed apply sustainable practices in order to change health, well being, and strengthen the environment. I myself have experienced the benefits of losing over 40lbs in a matter of three weeks as well as cured my battle with depression (as well as many other illnesses) for years all through the practices speaking of with the presentation.
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-3-2015 4:00 PM
End Date
3-3-2015 5:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Chambers, Claudia D., "From Surviving to Thriving…Transitioning Post Slavery Survival Skills to Beneficial Sustainable and Healthy Practices" (2015). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 97.
From Surviving to Thriving…Transitioning Post Slavery Survival Skills to Beneficial Sustainable and Healthy Practices
Harborside Center East and West
Learn how African Americans can take the creative genius of slavery cooking, wisdom of their grandparents’ survival tactics, and history of economical maneuver towards establishing new conscious sustainable practices that are beneficial to the brain, body and environment. Participants will see how to actively engage and educate youth in poverty how to take charge over their health & well being.