“B.E. C.L.A.S.SY.”...If You Feel Good On the Inside, You Feel Like Doing Good On the Outside.
Poster Presentation
Harborside Center East and West
Strand #1
Safety & Violence Prevention
Strand #2
Social & Emotional Skills
Be CLASSY teaches skills that promotes a positive school climate which helps to eliminate bullying and provides opportunities for individuals to make good decisions to build stronger character.
Brief Program Description
Be classy involves six strong pillars of social success, including gratitude, optimism, generosity, service, motivation, and self esteem. This approach has drastically decreased bullying behaviors in schools where it has been implemented. The program is a breath of fresh, positive air for those seeking to improve the overall moral of themselves and their school environment. If your state is requiring an anti-bullying K-12 curriculum, Be CLASSY is for you!
Be CLASSY concepts meets essential attributes and characteristics for all ages. Be CLASSY empowers all students with skills they need to take responsibility for their lives. Be CLASSY helps develop character traits that are important for growth and development. The school environment needs to be inviting, safe, and joyful. Concepts have proven successful as a research based program. Research has verified that when character developent is taught academics will also increase Be CLASSY concepts have made an impact on academic achievement. Schools using CLASSY have reported that students were above state average on all state tests.
Schools have reported that when Be CLASSY was applied as outlined, 85% of students had no office referrals. The number of total office referrals such as harassment, fighting, violence, and alcohol and drug write ups declined by 92%. It has been proven when you feel worthwhile and needed, you are willing to help others and respect them for who they are.
Biographical Sketch
Kem T. Cazier has presented at several national conferences including National Youth at Risk Conference, National Discipline Conference, National Girl Bullying Conference, and the National Boys and Girls Conference in Omaha, Nebraska. He has also been asked to be on several anti-bullying panels. His research and anti-bullying work has indeed made him an expert in his field. He has been an educator for 39 years. He has been a motivational speaker throughout the United States and is the author and founder of Be CLASSY, a research-based anti-bullying and self esteem building program, which is now implemented in several states, Canada, and soon Asia. He is currently the principal of Star Valley Middle School in Afton, Wyoming.
Keyword Descriptors
Anti-bullying, Gratitude, Kindness, Positive, Self Esteem, Self Motivation
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-3-2015 4:00 PM
End Date
3-3-2015 5:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Cazier, Kem T. Mr., "“B.E. C.L.A.S.SY.”...If You Feel Good On the Inside, You Feel Like Doing Good On the Outside." (2015). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 76.
“B.E. C.L.A.S.SY.”...If You Feel Good On the Inside, You Feel Like Doing Good On the Outside.
Harborside Center East and West
Be classy involves six strong pillars of social success, including gratitude, optimism, generosity, service, motivation, and self esteem. This approach has drastically decreased bullying behaviors in schools where it has been implemented. The program is a breath of fresh, positive air for those seeking to improve the overall moral of themselves and their school environment. If your state is requiring an anti-bullying K-12 curriculum, Be CLASSY is for you!