Monitoring School Safety with the Plus Program (Free Safety Monitoring Service for Participating Schools)
Individual Presentation
Harborside Center West
Strand #1
Safety & Violence Prevention
Brief Program Description
To monitor school safety, participants of this workshop will be given FREE access to the Survey and Resource Database (SRD) utilized by the National Youth-At-Risk Center and the PLUS Program. With access to the SRD, participants will be able to create unlimited student surveys throughout the year and save studentreported behavior data in an online portal to analyze monthly trends. This unique survey instrument enables schools and communities to choose the questions they seek to ask and tailor survey development to meet the needs of the local community served. With the ability to analyze month-to-month trends, schools, districts, and organizations will be able to modify their action plans throughout the year and administer effective interventions in a timely manner. Over the course of time, users of the SRD will be able to predict behavior trends before they happen in the year. Participants of this session work alongside researchers from the National Youth-At-Risk Center and founders of the PLUS Program to learn how to utilize the SRD as part of their school safety program. Outcomes include: (1) participants learn a variety of strategies to gather data using the SRD; (2) understand how to use the SRD to analyze short-term goals that drive a yearlong action plan; and (3) learn how to use survey and resource database to examine significant disproportionate behavior amongst subgroups of a community or school.
Biographical Sketch
FEATURED SPEAKERS: Eric Landers, CoDirector, National Youth-At-Risk Center, Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Dr. Eric Landers earned his Ph.D. from the University of Florida with an emphasis on children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). He has worked as a classroom teacher for students with EBD, a professor at West Virginia University and Georgia Southern University, and as an independent consultant for supporting school-wide behavioral systems. Dr. Landers has given hundreds of presentations and authored more than a dozen publications regarding bullying, responding to challenging behaviors, teacher job satisfaction, and schoolwide PBIS. He is the Co-Director of the National Youth-At-Risk Center at Georgia Southern University and the founder/director of the Southeast Conference on Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. Dr. Landers is also the creator of, a free online behavior resource for schools and, a comprehensive RtI data management system.
FEATURED SPEAKER: John Vandenburgh, Program Developer, PLUS Program, Murrieta, CA
John Vandenburgh works with schools, communities, and Tribal agencies across the country in developing strategies to address the critical issues impacting the safety of our youth in and out of school. John is the author the PLUS Program (Peer Leaders Uniting Students), a nationally recognized youth development model utilized by schools and Tribal youth programs throughout America. John’s work in schools and communities has led to several awards and recognitions. He received the Region 10 California League of High School Educator of the Year, was given a Lifetime Commitment Award by the Stop the Violence Foundation in Los Angeles, California and he received a Golden Bell Award for program development by the California School Board Association.
Keyword Descriptors
Plus Program
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-2-2015 3:00 PM
End Date
3-2-2015 4:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Landers, Eric and Vandenburgh, John, "Monitoring School Safety with the Plus Program (Free Safety Monitoring Service for Participating Schools)" (2015). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 247.
Monitoring School Safety with the Plus Program (Free Safety Monitoring Service for Participating Schools)
Harborside Center West
To monitor school safety, participants of this workshop will be given FREE access to the Survey and Resource Database (SRD) utilized by the National Youth-At-Risk Center and the PLUS Program. With access to the SRD, participants will be able to create unlimited student surveys throughout the year and save studentreported behavior data in an online portal to analyze monthly trends. This unique survey instrument enables schools and communities to choose the questions they seek to ask and tailor survey development to meet the needs of the local community served. With the ability to analyze month-to-month trends, schools, districts, and organizations will be able to modify their action plans throughout the year and administer effective interventions in a timely manner. Over the course of time, users of the SRD will be able to predict behavior trends before they happen in the year. Participants of this session work alongside researchers from the National Youth-At-Risk Center and founders of the PLUS Program to learn how to utilize the SRD as part of their school safety program. Outcomes include: (1) participants learn a variety of strategies to gather data using the SRD; (2) understand how to use the SRD to analyze short-term goals that drive a yearlong action plan; and (3) learn how to use survey and resource database to examine significant disproportionate behavior amongst subgroups of a community or school.