"Spring" Into Success: Steps to Culturally Embed M.T.S.S.


Individual Presentation



Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership


This proposal addresses the “head” and the “home” of children. While the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process can be utilized to differentiate learning for all students, it is a necessity for the success of at-risk youth. MTSS is a data-driven process that helps close the achievement gap by using a problem-solving model to match student need with interventions and instruction. The process includes the identification of the academic or behavior concern and the implementation of research based interventions or teaching strategies. Continuous progress monitoring occurs to evaluate student success or to make changes to the interventions and/or instruction accordingly. Although MTSS addresses the alterable aspects of students, parental involvement in student achievement is not only highly encouraged, but promoted. Parents are viewed and treated as one of the most important key players in their children's educational career.

Brief Program Description

This session considers the impact the MTSS framework can have on student achievement, especially for at-risk youth. Participants gain deeper knowledge of the different tiers of support and the importance of making academic decisions within this data driven model.


To ensure that district initiatives designed to yield academic growth among minority students are implemented with fidelity, Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, Florida created the Minority Achievement Office (MAO). The MAO monitors district initiatives designed to yield academic growth among minority students to make certain they are implemented with fidelity. In an effort to close the achievement gap, the MAO is working with the MTSS framework, its consistency within the district and fidelity in implementation.The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework is one of the many initiatives we address with schools district-wide. The MAO not only provides intensive and explicit support to schools with the most at-risk students based on state data, but it also assisted in training the district-wide MTSS department. The Council of the Great City Schools (2012) defines MTSS as “an evidence-based model of education that employs data-based problem techniques to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention”. Therefore, MTSS is a framework that addresses academic and behavior aspects that impede student progress. To harmonize student need with interventions and instruction, OCPS has adopted a four step problem solving model that uses data to determine academic and/or behavior discrepancies and evaluates the effectiveness of the intervention and/or instruction implemented. Progress monitoring is used to proctor student success. Our presentation focuses on the following components: An overview of MTSS which includes the definition of MTSS, the purpose and a description of the three tiers of support. Description of the 4-step problem solving model used in Orange County Public Schools Purpose and benefits of progress monitoring and graphic representation of student data Layers of support provided by the Minority Achievement Office to selected schools


Although MTSS is a national initiative, the level of support varies from county to county. MTSS, previously known as Response to Intervention (RtI), was first used to address the needs of students with learning disabilities. In the past 5 years, the focus has changed from being used to label students ESE to addressing the needs of all students. The following is a list of some of the research that supports MTSS: Gamm, S.,Elliott, J., Halbert, JW., Baugh, RP.,Walston, D., Uro, G., Casserly, M., (2012). Common core state standards and diverse urban students: Using multi-tiered systems of support. Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) Levy, H., (2008). Meeting the needs of all students through differentiated instruction: helping every child reach and exceed standards. Heldref Publication National Center on Response to Intervention (2010). Essential components of RtI-A closer look at Response to Intervention Rock, M. L., Gregg, M., Ellis, E. and Gable, R. A. (2008). REACG: A framework for differentiating classroom instruction.. Preventing School Failure, 52(2): 31–47.

Biographical Sketch

Carmencita Figueroa has a B.A. in Elementary Education from Buffalo State College, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Ana G.Mendez University System, and is currently enrolled in the doctorate program at Grand Canyon University. As a district resource teacher in the Minority Achievement Office, she supports 25 elementary schools and four middle schools to implement the MTSS process with fidelity. For the past 17 years she has worked as a classroom teacher, Literacy Coach, Data Coach and MTSS Coach. Her five years has an MTSS Coach, at the school level, has been the guiding force behind the success of this initiative in the Minority Achievement Office.

Keyword Descriptors

Intervention, Support Systems, Instruction, Remediation

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-3-2015 8:30 AM

End Date

3-3-2015 9:45 AM

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Mar 3rd, 8:30 AM Mar 3rd, 9:45 AM

"Spring" Into Success: Steps to Culturally Embed M.T.S.S.


This session considers the impact the MTSS framework can have on student achievement, especially for at-risk youth. Participants gain deeper knowledge of the different tiers of support and the importance of making academic decisions within this data driven model.