

During the past three decades, growing attention has been paid to the idea of mind/brain-based teaching and learning—an exciting approach, rooted in neuroscience research, that proves the interrelatedness of the mind, brain, and body. The purpose of this report is multifold: (a) to explain why mind/brain-based teaching and learning is relevant to children growing up in poverty; (b) to offer a review of the findings in cognitive neuroscience; (c) to offer a review of the findings regarding the effects of poverty on the developing mind/brain; (d) to identify themes emerging from these findings (i.e., research and understanding, communication, multiple intelligences, emotions and climate, patterning); (e) to describe my urban classroom settings and my struggles therein; (f) to share cross-curricular practical strategies that I have applied successfully with children living in poverty that reflect the research and emergent themes; and (g) to offer a summary/conclusion with implications for practice.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Teaching the Way the Brain.pdf (83 kB)
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