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Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Aric Miller, Georgia College Bobcats, Pirates, J.C. Winn, Treasure Savannah, North Georgia Saints, Bacon Park, LeBron James, Columbus State, UNC Pembroke, Harlem Shake, ROTC, Fine Arts Auditorium, Masquers, St. Patrick's Day


  • Tournament Bound Brittany Cook
  • Armstrong gives back Rolando Zenteno
  • Superfan: coming to a game near you Brittany Cook
  • Men's tennis sweeps saints Alan Smith
  • Pirates win against Columbus State Cougars Deontae Pharr
  • Women's tennis dominates North Georgia Alan Smith
  • Sometimes you have to put a dog down Hannah Shuttuck
  • Armstrong students do the 'Harlem Shake' Christina LaMarre
  • Students showcase art Jess Brannen
  • Faculty hits high note Ryan Dickey


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