Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 3-7-1969


Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Student Questionnaire, Nell Childs, Lewis B. Mayhew, Caryl Beltz, Savannah Arts Council, Savannah High School, Powell Gahagan, National Student Association (NSA), Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), Solms Hall, Victor Hall, Red Cross, Jim Pinard, Bill Alexander, GIAC, Athletic Department, Bob Backus, Pirates


  • Armstrong students respond to questions on assorted topics - pot to premarital sex Dan Browning
  • Mayhew raps colleges for lack of diversity
  • Pressing Problems to Ponder
  • Dear Editor
  • Dedications Scheduled for new campus halls
  • Eight students attend Atlanta SEA meeting
  • Pinard is key to ASC hopes as season opens


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