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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Stegall, Ron Speir, Kit Miller, C&S Bank of Savannah, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, MICROLINX, American Red Cross Bloodmobile, Billy Bond Memorial Scholarship, CSULA, Major League, County Commission, Phi Sigma Chi, Georgia Association for Nursing Students (GANS), CHAOS


  • The campus security problem: plenty of questions - few answers Lisa Gunderson
  • Extra credit: too much of a good thing for college students? Stacy Hooks
  • Exploring the planets
  • Lane Library Presents...
  • Passing the Regents' test -- the Lubby Juggins way Lubby Juggins
  • Go jump out a plane William Hearn
  • ASC baseball reaches #1 plateau for fist time Ron Speir, Jr.
  • ASC nursing association: the sequel Marsha Godzinski

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