
Additional Presentations- Waters College of Health Professions

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Daniel Czech

Faculty Mentor Email


Presentation Year


Start Date

26-4-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2021 12:00 AM


Georgia Southern University, Honors Symposium, Presentation


Anxiety in college students has been a relevant topic in today’s society, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic researchers have been trying to understand the impact this has had on college student’s anxiety. So, the purpose of this study is to look for patterns of anxiety that developed from being a college student, during COVID-19. This study fits into current literature because the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and has affected everyone in a way, so there is abundant current literature on this topic of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected college students. The participant for this ethnographic study will be 1, 20-year-old white male, who is an undergraduate at Georgia Southern University. In this study, the participant undergoes virtual interviews and observations, where each interview starts with a prompted question and then the participant leads the rest of the interview. There are 5 interviews spread out throughout 5 weeks. Throughout the study there is also naturalistic observation, where I am able to witness the level of his anxiety on a day-to-day basis in each interview. All interviews were recorded and transcripts were made from the recording. These transcripts were analyzed using a combination of phenomenological analysis from Moustakas (1994) Czech (2001).

Academic Unit

Waters College of Health Professions


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Apr 26th, 12:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

Anxiety in College Students During COVID-19

Additional Presentations- Waters College of Health Professions

Anxiety in college students has been a relevant topic in today’s society, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic researchers have been trying to understand the impact this has had on college student’s anxiety. So, the purpose of this study is to look for patterns of anxiety that developed from being a college student, during COVID-19. This study fits into current literature because the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and has affected everyone in a way, so there is abundant current literature on this topic of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected college students. The participant for this ethnographic study will be 1, 20-year-old white male, who is an undergraduate at Georgia Southern University. In this study, the participant undergoes virtual interviews and observations, where each interview starts with a prompted question and then the participant leads the rest of the interview. There are 5 interviews spread out throughout 5 weeks. Throughout the study there is also naturalistic observation, where I am able to witness the level of his anxiety on a day-to-day basis in each interview. All interviews were recorded and transcripts were made from the recording. These transcripts were analyzed using a combination of phenomenological analysis from Moustakas (1994) Czech (2001).