Thesis Presentation- Waters College of Health Professions
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis Presentation (Open Access)
Faculty Mentor
Professor Gina Crabb
Faculty Mentor Email
Presentation Year
Start Date
4-2020 12:00 AM
End Date
5-2020 12:00 AM
Georgia Southern University, Honors Program, Thesis Presentation
Antibiotic resistance is an emerging crisis in the healthcare world. Studies have found that sugars, proteins and protein-lipid complexes in breastmilk have antimicrobial properties. These properties in breastmilk can help solve the antibacterial resistance crisis. This research project involved studying antibiotic resistance and how breastmilk can help solve this crisis.
Academic Unit
Waters College of Health Professions
Lowering Antibiotic Resistance Utilizing Breastmilk
Thesis Presentation- Waters College of Health Professions
Antibiotic resistance is an emerging crisis in the healthcare world. Studies have found that sugars, proteins and protein-lipid complexes in breastmilk have antimicrobial properties. These properties in breastmilk can help solve the antibacterial resistance crisis. This research project involved studying antibiotic resistance and how breastmilk can help solve this crisis.
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