
Thesis Presentation- College of Arts and Humanities

Document Type and Release Option

Poster Presentation (Open Access)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Brian Feltman

Faculty Mentor Email


Presentation Year


Start Date

4-2020 12:00 AM

End Date

5-2020 12:00 AM


Georgia Southern University, Honors Program, Thesis Presentation


After the Second World War, a concentrated effort was made to rehabilitate the image of the German military so that it could be rebuilt and used for the Cold War.

Academic Unit

Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing


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Apr 27th, 12:00 AM May 1st, 12:00 AM

The “Clean Wehrmacht”: Myths about German War Crimes Then and Now

Thesis Presentation- College of Arts and Humanities

After the Second World War, a concentrated effort was made to rehabilitate the image of the German military so that it could be rebuilt and used for the Cold War.