Thesis Presentation- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis Presentation (Open Access)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Janie Wilson
Faculty Mentor Email
Presentation Year
Start Date
4-2020 12:00 AM
End Date
5-2020 12:00 AM
Georgia Southern University, Honors Program, Thesis Presentation
We used a cognitive task to induce ego depletion, defined as the loss of self-control subsequent to exercising control. After depletion, we tested prayer as a possible replenisher for lost self-control. Although prayer failed to buffer depletion, results provided additional support for a positive relationship between self-reported religiosity/spirituality and self-control.
Academic Unit
College of Science and Mathematics
Ego Depletion and Prayer as a Potential Buffer
Thesis Presentation- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
We used a cognitive task to induce ego depletion, defined as the loss of self-control subsequent to exercising control. After depletion, we tested prayer as a possible replenisher for lost self-control. Although prayer failed to buffer depletion, results provided additional support for a positive relationship between self-reported religiosity/spirituality and self-control.
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