A New SPED Teacher's Declassified School Survival Guide
Group Three Sessions: Room 106
Start Date
23-2-2024 12:00 PM
End Date
23-2-2024 12:50 PM
First Presenter's Brief Biography
Brooke Armesto is a 3rd year exceptional student services (ESS) teacher and the ESS department chair at Bryan County Elementary School. She graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2021 with her B.S.Ed. in Elementary and Special Education and is currently back at Georgia Southern working on her M.Ed. in Special Education.
Presentation Type
Concurrent Session
Panel Session
As a new special education teacher, you are bound to face challenges. In this interactive session, you will hear from two 3rd-year special education teachers about challenges they faced in their induction years and how they approached them, as well as participate in role-playing activities and a Q&A session.
Conference Strands
Induction Teachers (3 years or fewer)
We know that you cannot pour from an empty cup. In order to be an effective educator, you have to feel safe, valued, and confident in your work environment. Whether you are in a co-taught, resource, or self-contained setting, being a SPED teacher can be isolating, confusing, and challenging. In this session, we will share the things we wish we knew before becoming teachers, some of our challenges we experienced as new teachers, and the things we learned along the way. Participants will have opportunities to share their experiences and concerns, ask questions, brainstorm how they would respond to various challenges, and more. This presentation will address the conference strand 7: “Encourage and support pre-service teachers as they learn effective strategies to support these individuals” because it will provide pre-service and induction teachers with strategies to improve their day-to-day teaching life.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
A New SPED Teacher's Declassified School Survival Guide
Group Three Sessions: Room 106
As a new special education teacher, you are bound to face challenges. In this interactive session, you will hear from two 3rd-year special education teachers about challenges they faced in their induction years and how they approached them, as well as participate in role-playing activities and a Q&A session.