
Session 3: Room 106, Session 2

Start Date

24-2-2023 12:25 PM

End Date

24-2-2023 12:50 PM

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Allison Tarrer, Lecturer of Special Education Georgia Southwestern State University Currently working with teacher candidates and teacher preparation program in special education 27 years as a Special Educator in public schools in Georgia Roles have included: case manager, special education department chair, liaison between school special education staff and district personnel, school leadership teams

Presentation Type

Concurrent Session


Embarking on your career as a special educator?! We need you! Come join me in adding tips, tricks, and strategies to reach learners with learning disabilities and improve their chances to succeed. Leave with an excitement for reaching students with disabilities knowing you can and will make a difference!

Conference Strands

Pre-service Teachers


Special education teachers must be the thinkers and doers of all the things. They are called on to not only deliver effective instruction in the regular and/or self-contained classroom but they are known to be experts in their field of providing all types of strategies for students. Not only are they case managers, but they are also facilitators of academics, adaptive skills and everything in between. New special education teachers can be overwhelmed with all the responsibilities they are called to fulfill. Participants in this session will explore various tips, tricks, and strategies especially designed for pre-service and induction teachers in the specific area of students with learning disabilities. Attending this session will allow participants to leave with a wealth of specific strategies, resources, and tips to help the student with learning disabilities succeed in the classroom. These will include the use of graphic organizers, mnemonic devices and note-taking strategies. Pre-service teachers will have the opportunity to get their hands on these resources and plan how to implement these strategies and resources to launch them confidently into their teaching careers!

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Feb 24th, 12:25 PM Feb 24th, 12:50 PM

Special Education teachers ROCK!

Session 3: Room 106, Session 2

Embarking on your career as a special educator?! We need you! Come join me in adding tips, tricks, and strategies to reach learners with learning disabilities and improve their chances to succeed. Leave with an excitement for reaching students with disabilities knowing you can and will make a difference!