PawMart and the Golden Paw

Co-Author Information

Jim Kitchens - Teacher & PBIS Coach at Walnut Grove Elementary School in Walton County

Hope Glaze - Teacher & PBIS Team Leader at Walnut Grove Elementary School in Walton County

Libby Haulk - Teacher & PBIS Store Manager at Walnut Grove Elementary School in Walton County

Presentation Abstract

Walnut Grove Elementary is a Distinguished school. We are presenting our incentive program, including the school store, cafeteria management incentives, and classroom incentives, and how each is incorporated into our PBIS Mission.

Conference Program Description

Setting up and maintaining a school store that is doable and manageable without breaking the bank.

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PawMart and the Golden Paw

Walnut Grove Elementary is a Distinguished school. We are presenting our incentive program, including the school store, cafeteria management incentives, and classroom incentives, and how each is incorporated into our PBIS Mission.