Bibb PBIS in Action: Positively Engaging the School, Community & Home

Presenter Information

Curlandra Lightfoot-SmithFollow

Co-Author Information

Curlandra Lightfoot-Smith, PBIS Coordinator

Bibb County School District

Presentation Abstract

This presentation will include practical strategies and techniques to positively engage schools (students & staff), communities and families in the PBIS framework. It provides a road map of creative ways to integrate PBIS in the community, while gaining support of key stakeholders. Creating a positive culture throughout school districts is essential to student academic and social/emotional success. I add that, integrating PBIS in the community takes foundational elements of the framework into the home and beyond, thus creating a positive culture and climate in the community. Participants will learn strategies to use data to make intentional decisions in schools, the community and even in the home. We will also discuss practical ways that schools can Integrate bullying prevention & Mental Wellness into PBIS implementation.

Conference Program Description

This engaging presentation will provide participants with practical strategies and innovative techniques to positively engage schools (students and staff), communities and families using the 10 critical elements of the PBIS Framework. It provides a road map of creative ways to integrate PBIS in the community, while gaining political and funding support of key stakeholders. Participants will learn strategies to use data to make intentional decisions in schools, the community and even in the home. We will also discuss practical ways that schools can Integrate bullying prevention and Mental Wellness into PBIS implementation.

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Bibb PBIS in Action: Positively Engaging the School, Community & Home

This presentation will include practical strategies and techniques to positively engage schools (students & staff), communities and families in the PBIS framework. It provides a road map of creative ways to integrate PBIS in the community, while gaining support of key stakeholders. Creating a positive culture throughout school districts is essential to student academic and social/emotional success. I add that, integrating PBIS in the community takes foundational elements of the framework into the home and beyond, thus creating a positive culture and climate in the community. Participants will learn strategies to use data to make intentional decisions in schools, the community and even in the home. We will also discuss practical ways that schools can Integrate bullying prevention & Mental Wellness into PBIS implementation.