PBIS Tier 2: What Check-in/Checkout Can Do for You
Presentation Abstract
The presentation will focus on how we have successfully implemented PBIS Tier 2 (CICO) in our school. We want to spread the gospel on how well this program has helped with behaviors that PBIS Tier 1 did not solve. We'd be happy to share what worked well, what we could have done better, and any forms/tricks that we use.
Conference Program Description
PBIS Tier 1 works great...for most kids. What do you do for those students that need a little bit more? PBIS Tier 2, Check-in/Checkout is your solution. Come learn what we did right, what we did wrong, and how CICO can work for your school.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Boykin, Tyler, "PBIS Tier 2: What Check-in/Checkout Can Do for You" (2023). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 26.
PBIS Tier 2: What Check-in/Checkout Can Do for You
The presentation will focus on how we have successfully implemented PBIS Tier 2 (CICO) in our school. We want to spread the gospel on how well this program has helped with behaviors that PBIS Tier 1 did not solve. We'd be happy to share what worked well, what we could have done better, and any forms/tricks that we use.