Successful Coaching Strategies to Build Collective Teacher Efficacy
Presentation Abstract
Increase your impact as a leader by coaching teachers and support staff to success. In this session, we will walk you through the best practices for effective coaching. We will share strategies on how to make data-based decisions, build relationships and trust, and increase the awareness of emotional intelligence among team members, for your work with adult learners. Regardless of your role, this interactive session will provide you with several activities that can be implemented immediately in your work with teachers and teams. You will have time to do some personal reflection on what type of listener you are, as you learn ways to be a truly engaged listener. You will also discover how assuming positive intent can set the tone for successful coaching conversations and strengthen your communication skills. Join us as we dive into these powerful coaching strategies that are sure to build collective teacher efficacy in your building and district.
Conference Program Description
Come strengthen your coaching skills as we dig deeper into the best practices in coaching. To influence student behavior, we must start with adult behavior. Whether you’re a coach, teacher, or leader, you will discover strategies that can be used to build staff capacity in your school and district.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Espinosa, Jaime A.; Folk, Sara; and Hellman, Jennifer, "Successful Coaching Strategies to Build Collective Teacher Efficacy" (2023). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 2.
Successful Coaching Strategies to Build Collective Teacher Efficacy
Increase your impact as a leader by coaching teachers and support staff to success. In this session, we will walk you through the best practices for effective coaching. We will share strategies on how to make data-based decisions, build relationships and trust, and increase the awareness of emotional intelligence among team members, for your work with adult learners. Regardless of your role, this interactive session will provide you with several activities that can be implemented immediately in your work with teachers and teams. You will have time to do some personal reflection on what type of listener you are, as you learn ways to be a truly engaged listener. You will also discover how assuming positive intent can set the tone for successful coaching conversations and strengthen your communication skills. Join us as we dive into these powerful coaching strategies that are sure to build collective teacher efficacy in your building and district.