Cultivating Connection through Mindfulness
Presentation Abstract
Presence is the prerequisite to connection. If we are not truly present, we cannot truly connect, and we must connect with ourselves first, and then our students before teaching content. Creating a mindful breathing culture within schools improves the climate and creates a sense of community. Nothing is more powerful than a teacher who embodies mindfulness and breathes with students. Sharing this practice regulates every nervous system in the room as well as creates connection and focus. Breath is free, and available to all humans. Mindfulness is a life skill that transcends all parts of life: communication, self-esteem, decision making, empowerment, and resilience. The benefits are numerous from relieving stress, boosting immunity, reducing anxiety, improving focus connects mindfulness as a preventive measure for mental and physical health but also as a tool for connection and to handle mental health issues such as difficult emotions, grief, anxiety, school stress, or depression, and suicidal ideation. A mindful classroom is full of noticers, grace givers, and sentient beings. By teaching children to be present with their breath through a nonjudgmental lens, bullying and behaviors are reduced while connection improves. I believe we can change the educational system by creating connection and wellness in our schools and our communities through teaching our staff and students the power of their breath.
Conference Program Description
The Mindful Breathing presentation will teach how mindfulness is used in education, and a description of the pilot program in partnership with GA State University. This session will include the science and research behind mindfulness and how a lack of safety and belonging in a classroom inhibits connection and learning.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Baer, Ashley L., "Cultivating Connection through Mindfulness" (2023). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 12.
Cultivating Connection through Mindfulness
Presence is the prerequisite to connection. If we are not truly present, we cannot truly connect, and we must connect with ourselves first, and then our students before teaching content. Creating a mindful breathing culture within schools improves the climate and creates a sense of community. Nothing is more powerful than a teacher who embodies mindfulness and breathes with students. Sharing this practice regulates every nervous system in the room as well as creates connection and focus. Breath is free, and available to all humans. Mindfulness is a life skill that transcends all parts of life: communication, self-esteem, decision making, empowerment, and resilience. The benefits are numerous from relieving stress, boosting immunity, reducing anxiety, improving focus connects mindfulness as a preventive measure for mental and physical health but also as a tool for connection and to handle mental health issues such as difficult emotions, grief, anxiety, school stress, or depression, and suicidal ideation. A mindful classroom is full of noticers, grace givers, and sentient beings. By teaching children to be present with their breath through a nonjudgmental lens, bullying and behaviors are reduced while connection improves. I believe we can change the educational system by creating connection and wellness in our schools and our communities through teaching our staff and students the power of their breath.