Sources of Strength
Biography of Primary Presenter
Tammi Clarke is a PBIS Technical Assistant with the Georgia Department of Education.
Presentation Abstract
Sources of Strength is one of the most researched “upstream” student-led programs for preventing suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse. Through the power of peer influence, social networking, and positive messaging, Sources of Strength mobilizes individuals and communities to lean on strengths through the ups and downs of life. Participants will experience the interactive presentation style of Sources of Strength that promotes connection and builds trust among adults and youth. During our presentation we will provide an overview of the program, allow participants to explore the strengths wheel, and demonstrate creative engagement strategies that promote strong relationships.
Recommended Citation
Clarke, Tammi; Phillips, Amber; and Keane, Deborah A., "Sources of Strength" (2021). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 9.
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength is one of the most researched “upstream” student-led programs for preventing suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse. Through the power of peer influence, social networking, and positive messaging, Sources of Strength mobilizes individuals and communities to lean on strengths through the ups and downs of life. Participants will experience the interactive presentation style of Sources of Strength that promotes connection and builds trust among adults and youth. During our presentation we will provide an overview of the program, allow participants to explore the strengths wheel, and demonstrate creative engagement strategies that promote strong relationships.