Survival of the Fittest: “Changing Your Lens in 2020”
Biography of Primary Presenter
Lisa Futch is the Program Director at Coastal Academy G.N.E.T.S.
Presentation Abstract
The educators of 2020 are facing more challenges than ever. Given the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the civil unrest in our country this year, stress and burnout has increased to an all-time high for staff and students. With this unprecedented phenomenon in mind, it’s time for a lens change in education. This presentation will provide a new perspective on creating and maintaining healthy learning environments for all stakeholders. The purpose of this presentation is to foster the idea that staff should be afforded the same physiological and psychological safety nets that we expect students to receive.
Recommended Citation
Futch, Lisa and Carter, Jody, "Survival of the Fittest: “Changing Your Lens in 2020”" (2021). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 16.
Survival of the Fittest: “Changing Your Lens in 2020”
The educators of 2020 are facing more challenges than ever. Given the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the civil unrest in our country this year, stress and burnout has increased to an all-time high for staff and students. With this unprecedented phenomenon in mind, it’s time for a lens change in education. This presentation will provide a new perspective on creating and maintaining healthy learning environments for all stakeholders. The purpose of this presentation is to foster the idea that staff should be afforded the same physiological and psychological safety nets that we expect students to receive.