Never Raise Your Voice
Presentation Abstract
Never Raise Your Voice is the story of RISE Academy, a public alternative program in Newton County. PBIS is the basis of our program. Students are treated with respect and love. The expectations are high, but the students strive to meet and exceed them. Students learn to be responsible for their own behavior management. This session can teach teachers and administrators how to establish a welcoming climate and create a place where students can't wait to come and never want to leave. Our students and our parents are our greatest fans. We share our experiences creating "Raving Fans" and "Memorable Moments". Finally, PBISRewards is used to reward appropriate behavior, successfully meeting goals, passing tests, and completing credits. Students learn through goal setting and PBIS how they and they alone control their futures.
Recommended Citation
Cumming, Amie W. and Perriman, Phalanda, "Never Raise Your Voice" (2019). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 46.
Never Raise Your Voice
Never Raise Your Voice is the story of RISE Academy, a public alternative program in Newton County. PBIS is the basis of our program. Students are treated with respect and love. The expectations are high, but the students strive to meet and exceed them. Students learn to be responsible for their own behavior management. This session can teach teachers and administrators how to establish a welcoming climate and create a place where students can't wait to come and never want to leave. Our students and our parents are our greatest fans. We share our experiences creating "Raving Fans" and "Memorable Moments". Finally, PBISRewards is used to reward appropriate behavior, successfully meeting goals, passing tests, and completing credits. Students learn through goal setting and PBIS how they and they alone control their futures.