Feed into PBIS
Presentation Abstract
This is a collaboration of feeder schools coming together to implement PBIS. This is 4 sessions in 1! During the “Creating a solid PBIS Team and PBIS in the Classroom” portion of the workshop, we’ll explore strengths and weaknesses that are common and dig into solutions. Then, we’ll step into the classroom and talk common practices and strategies. During “Blending Leader In Me and PBIS” portion of this workshop, we will discuss how The Leader In Me and PBIS both share in promoting positive behavior. The Leader In Me provides the framework for teaching students to be good and do well, while PBIS is the acknowledgement and monitoring system to track the progress of the 7 Habits implementation. Attendees will gain insight in ways to cultivate developmentally appropriate practices that develop the capacity for students to think, feel, and act in productive and socially positive ways to show leadership. During Data for Decision making and Student and Staff Acknowledgments” portion were taking a look at lowering referrals, you drilling down your behavior data, using staff in building to implement lesson plans catered to problem behaviors, and analyzing and utilizing pertinent data in your action plans. During the “Creating a positive culture and climate through positive relationships” portion of this workshop, we will take a look at how to build relationships with students and staff. Participants will have the opportunity to take a look at a draft process and see how personalized supervisions allow for positive relationship between staff and students to be built. The goal is to have positive relationships that push towards positive behavior.Together, you will see how a team of feeder schools come together to implement PBIS and use it throughout student transition. EASTSIDE PRIDE!!!
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Chiquella; Vicks, Fabian; Bryant, Tonya; and Milton, Lanaye, "Feed into PBIS" (2019). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 3.
Feed into PBIS
This is a collaboration of feeder schools coming together to implement PBIS. This is 4 sessions in 1! During the “Creating a solid PBIS Team and PBIS in the Classroom” portion of the workshop, we’ll explore strengths and weaknesses that are common and dig into solutions. Then, we’ll step into the classroom and talk common practices and strategies. During “Blending Leader In Me and PBIS” portion of this workshop, we will discuss how The Leader In Me and PBIS both share in promoting positive behavior. The Leader In Me provides the framework for teaching students to be good and do well, while PBIS is the acknowledgement and monitoring system to track the progress of the 7 Habits implementation. Attendees will gain insight in ways to cultivate developmentally appropriate practices that develop the capacity for students to think, feel, and act in productive and socially positive ways to show leadership. During Data for Decision making and Student and Staff Acknowledgments” portion were taking a look at lowering referrals, you drilling down your behavior data, using staff in building to implement lesson plans catered to problem behaviors, and analyzing and utilizing pertinent data in your action plans. During the “Creating a positive culture and climate through positive relationships” portion of this workshop, we will take a look at how to build relationships with students and staff. Participants will have the opportunity to take a look at a draft process and see how personalized supervisions allow for positive relationship between staff and students to be built. The goal is to have positive relationships that push towards positive behavior.Together, you will see how a team of feeder schools come together to implement PBIS and use it throughout student transition. EASTSIDE PRIDE!!!