Ignite: The FBA is Done, Now What? Addressing Escape Maintained Behavior (Group 2)
Presentation Abstract
Many students’ exhibit challenging behavior in the classroom; this may range from mild distractibility or refusal to complete tasks to students who engage in destructive or aggressive behavior. For some students, school may be the only place where they are expected to complete multiple tasks and learn new things for extended periods of time. This expectation may motivate students to engage in problem behavior. In this presentation we will discuss strategies to address problem behavior students’ display in an attempt to get out of completing school work. We will briefly review the basics of applied behavior analysis (ABA) as a means of understanding students’ behavior. We will then discuss what escape maintained behavior may look like in the classroom and consider why a student may be motivated to escape. We will then discuss various interventions to decrease escape maintained problem behaviors. Finally, we will collaborate on example cases to develop a plan to decrease problem behavior and increase task completion.
Recommended Citation
Carrion-McGee, Deva P. and Cymbor, Lisa, "Ignite: The FBA is Done, Now What? Addressing Escape Maintained Behavior (Group 2)" (2020). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 116.
Ignite: The FBA is Done, Now What? Addressing Escape Maintained Behavior (Group 2)
Many students’ exhibit challenging behavior in the classroom; this may range from mild distractibility or refusal to complete tasks to students who engage in destructive or aggressive behavior. For some students, school may be the only place where they are expected to complete multiple tasks and learn new things for extended periods of time. This expectation may motivate students to engage in problem behavior. In this presentation we will discuss strategies to address problem behavior students’ display in an attempt to get out of completing school work. We will briefly review the basics of applied behavior analysis (ABA) as a means of understanding students’ behavior. We will then discuss what escape maintained behavior may look like in the classroom and consider why a student may be motivated to escape. We will then discuss various interventions to decrease escape maintained problem behaviors. Finally, we will collaborate on example cases to develop a plan to decrease problem behavior and increase task completion.