PBIS on the Island of Misfit Toys
Presentation Abstract
PBIS on the Island of Misfit Toys
Many traditional schools are experiencing improved student and staff outcomes with the implementation of PBIS. At GIVE Center West, we find the challenges and characteristics of alternative school can benefit from the use of a PBIS framework as a means to support the needs of students who display high-risk behavior. GIVE Center West uses a comprehensive combination of Tier I, II and III interventions to provide a framework within the PBIS structure. The majority of students assigned to the GIVE Center have experienced Tier I interventions at their home schools. A common thought might be that students at an alternative school would only need Tier III interventions. GIVE West, however, continues all three tier interventions that may be adapted, modified and intensified for our students. The results have been fewer discipline referrals, fewer students returning to discipline hearings, and a more positive school climate.
Recommended Citation
Bishop, Donna M., "PBIS on the Island of Misfit Toys" (2018). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 57.
PBIS on the Island of Misfit Toys
PBIS on the Island of Misfit Toys
Many traditional schools are experiencing improved student and staff outcomes with the implementation of PBIS. At GIVE Center West, we find the challenges and characteristics of alternative school can benefit from the use of a PBIS framework as a means to support the needs of students who display high-risk behavior. GIVE Center West uses a comprehensive combination of Tier I, II and III interventions to provide a framework within the PBIS structure. The majority of students assigned to the GIVE Center have experienced Tier I interventions at their home schools. A common thought might be that students at an alternative school would only need Tier III interventions. GIVE West, however, continues all three tier interventions that may be adapted, modified and intensified for our students. The results have been fewer discipline referrals, fewer students returning to discipline hearings, and a more positive school climate.