Creating a positive learning environment for Teachers through P.O.P.S
Presentation Abstract
Create a Positive Learning Environment for Teachers through P.O.P.S.
The discussion will consist of strategies on how to create a positive learning environment for teachers who have been teaching 3 years or less through P.O.P.S. (The Power of Positive Staff)--building relationship with students, effective communication and leadership skills. The strategies can be used by teachers,parents and students in the school and community.
Recommended Citation
Kelly, Angel J., "Creating a positive learning environment for Teachers through P.O.P.S" (2017). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 85.
Creating a positive learning environment for Teachers through P.O.P.S
Create a Positive Learning Environment for Teachers through P.O.P.S.
The discussion will consist of strategies on how to create a positive learning environment for teachers who have been teaching 3 years or less through P.O.P.S. (The Power of Positive Staff)--building relationship with students, effective communication and leadership skills. The strategies can be used by teachers,parents and students in the school and community.