Implementing the Pyramid Model in Child Care - One Center's Journey
Presentation Abstract
The presentation will consist of an overview of implementing the Pyramid Model of Intervention in a child development center during the first year of implementation. Perspectives from the director of the center, the internal coach and a Pre-School teacher will be shared. Presenters will share information and ideas regarding staff buy-in; PBIS leadership team; developing program-wide expectations and rules; developing classroom rules; parent engagement; year-end evaluation of the project and much more. The presentation will give participants an opportunity to ask questions and to hear real-life experiences with implementing the model...the accomplishments, the struggles and the future.
Recommended Citation
Kingry, Lisa H.; McKinney, Shakita; and Mitchell, Tiffany, "Implementing the Pyramid Model in Child Care - One Center's Journey" (2017). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 80.
Implementing the Pyramid Model in Child Care - One Center's Journey
The presentation will consist of an overview of implementing the Pyramid Model of Intervention in a child development center during the first year of implementation. Perspectives from the director of the center, the internal coach and a Pre-School teacher will be shared. Presenters will share information and ideas regarding staff buy-in; PBIS leadership team; developing program-wide expectations and rules; developing classroom rules; parent engagement; year-end evaluation of the project and much more. The presentation will give participants an opportunity to ask questions and to hear real-life experiences with implementing the model...the accomplishments, the struggles and the future.