Dive in with PBIS: Staying Afloat Your First Year
Presentation Abstract
Just like the uncharted depth of the deep sea, a school's first year in the PBIS Journey can be daunting. But don't fear! This presentation with help navigate your school though your uncharted waters of PBIS implementation for staff, students, parents, and community. The Jasper County Primary School crew will share their experiences with the set up of their PBIS program. They will share their nautical charts for the first year and how they navigated the PBIS waters. This includes what questions they were asked as they left port by staff, students, and community and what they did to get them invested in the process, what they needed to maintain cruising depth and keep on track with PBIS throughout the year, and anticipated changes in their course as they continue into year two. As the voyage continues, more obstacles, and successes, will need to be navigated. Their destination: students supported positively to succeed.
Recommended Citation
Swarner, Autumn; Jenkins, Amanda; and Edge, Pam, "Dive in with PBIS: Staying Afloat Your First Year" (2017). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 58.
Powerpoint presentation
Image_00172.pdf (2034 kB)
7 handouts for the PBIS presentation
Dive in with PBIS: Staying Afloat Your First Year
Just like the uncharted depth of the deep sea, a school's first year in the PBIS Journey can be daunting. But don't fear! This presentation with help navigate your school though your uncharted waters of PBIS implementation for staff, students, parents, and community. The Jasper County Primary School crew will share their experiences with the set up of their PBIS program. They will share their nautical charts for the first year and how they navigated the PBIS waters. This includes what questions they were asked as they left port by staff, students, and community and what they did to get them invested in the process, what they needed to maintain cruising depth and keep on track with PBIS throughout the year, and anticipated changes in their course as they continue into year two. As the voyage continues, more obstacles, and successes, will need to be navigated. Their destination: students supported positively to succeed.