Presentation Abstract

This presentation will cover sustainability of Tier 1 implementation of a PBIS program at an elementary school plus ways to increase parent involvement. The presentation will cover student and teacher rewards and incentives, PBIS committee incentives, behavior logs, flow charts on classroom managed behaviors vs office managed behaviors, PBIS core team committees and sub committees, funding sources for PBIS program, and ways to involve students. Examples of weekly PBIS topics, lesson plans and parent brochures will also be presented. Ways to involved parents in your PBIS program through workshops lunch and learns, and surveys will also be covered. Information for parents on how to incorporated PBIS into their home and family time will also be shared.

Learning Objectives:

You will be about to identify information to share with parents on how to incorporate PBIS into their homes.

You will be able to identify funding sources for your PBIS programs.

You will be able to identify incentives for students, faculty and staff, and PBIS committee members.



Sustainability of Tier 1 Implementation and Parent Involvement

This presentation will cover sustainability of Tier 1 implementation of a PBIS program at an elementary school plus ways to increase parent involvement. The presentation will cover student and teacher rewards and incentives, PBIS committee incentives, behavior logs, flow charts on classroom managed behaviors vs office managed behaviors, PBIS core team committees and sub committees, funding sources for PBIS program, and ways to involve students. Examples of weekly PBIS topics, lesson plans and parent brochures will also be presented. Ways to involved parents in your PBIS program through workshops lunch and learns, and surveys will also be covered. Information for parents on how to incorporated PBIS into their home and family time will also be shared.

Learning Objectives:

You will be about to identify information to share with parents on how to incorporate PBIS into their homes.

You will be able to identify funding sources for your PBIS programs.

You will be able to identify incentives for students, faculty and staff, and PBIS committee members.