Positive Family Involvement: Connecting Positive Behavior Intervention and the Home
Biography of Primary Presenter
Presenter will provide.
Presentation Abstract
Presenters will highlight the benefits of Positive Family Involvement as a key component of a successful school-wide PBIS approach. A discussion of best practices in integrating Positive Family Involvement into the PBIS experience will be explored.
Recommended Citation
Georgia College and State University, "Positive Family Involvement: Connecting Positive Behavior Intervention and the Home" (2020). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 120.
Positive Family Involvement: Connecting Positive Behavior Intervention and the Home
Presenters will highlight the benefits of Positive Family Involvement as a key component of a successful school-wide PBIS approach. A discussion of best practices in integrating Positive Family Involvement into the PBIS experience will be explored.