They Ought to Know Better
Biography of Primary Presenter
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Presentation Abstract
By the time they get to High School, "they ought to know better". Well, what do we do if they don't know better? The answer is simple...We are teachers, we need to teach. Where do you begin? We would like to share with you what it takes start the conversation. How did we sell it to our stakeholders, our parents, our business partners and most importantly our students? The data is there to support our needs for change and together, we will be the change that we want to see in the world. (Ghandi)
Recommended Citation
Woodland High School, "They Ought to Know Better" (2020). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 115.
They Ought to Know Better
By the time they get to High School, "they ought to know better". Well, what do we do if they don't know better? The answer is simple...We are teachers, we need to teach. Where do you begin? We would like to share with you what it takes start the conversation. How did we sell it to our stakeholders, our parents, our business partners and most importantly our students? The data is there to support our needs for change and together, we will be the change that we want to see in the world. (Ghandi)