Biography of Primary Presenter
Michelle Sandrock is the Early Learning Climate Manager at Metro RESA where she focuses on the alignment of Program-wide and School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) frameworks to ensure outcomes of safe, secure and productive learning environments for all students, birth thru elementary school. Previously she served as the Parent Engagement Program Manager at the Georgia Department of Education, developing Georgia’s Parent Engagement Program from scratch into a nationally recognized state model within three years. Michelle has trained numerous educators and administrators on family engagement strategies and promising practices throughout the state, regionally, and nationally. Recognizing the importance of school climate, she is recognized for her work in fostering welcoming environments in schools through the creation of the Georgia Family-Friendly Partnership School Awards and Initiative. Michelle is a certified school social worker in the state of Georgia and holds a Master of Social Work and a Master of Public Administration from Florida State University.
Presentation Abstract
Come learn about Start with the Heart, a state collaboration between Metropolitan Regional Educational Service Agency, the Georgia Department of Education, and the Department of Early Care and Learning that aligns the Program-wide PBIS and School-wide PBIS frameworks in elementary schools Pre-K – 3rd grade. The blending is designed to ensure these early learners are equipped with social emotional, developmentally appropriate practices that will lead to more positive behavior, as well as lifelong social emotional and academic success. Three metro Atlanta elementary schools currently participating in the state effort will share glows and grows experienced during implementation of the various critical elements essential to this aligned PBIS framework.
Recommended Citation
Sandrock, Michelle, "Start with the Heart: Equipping Elementary School Early Learners for Success" (2016). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 3.
Start with the Heart: Equipping Elementary School Early Learners for Success
Come learn about Start with the Heart, a state collaboration between Metropolitan Regional Educational Service Agency, the Georgia Department of Education, and the Department of Early Care and Learning that aligns the Program-wide PBIS and School-wide PBIS frameworks in elementary schools Pre-K – 3rd grade. The blending is designed to ensure these early learners are equipped with social emotional, developmentally appropriate practices that will lead to more positive behavior, as well as lifelong social emotional and academic success. Three metro Atlanta elementary schools currently participating in the state effort will share glows and grows experienced during implementation of the various critical elements essential to this aligned PBIS framework.