Biography of Primary Presenter
I began my career as an elementary teacher and instructional coach. After 12 years at the elementary level, I was first trained in PBIS in 2008. I was then hired as a middle school assistant principal and was excited to use what I had learned. After a couple of years, I became principal and our middle school went on the achieve OPERATIONAL status with PBIS. PBIS works! After a brief stint as an Educator-on-Loan with the GA DOE in the TKES/LKES/SLO department, I decided I wanted to get back into a district and was hired by the Gainesville City School System summer 2015. My current title is Director of Student Engagement and Intervention, and part of my job is getting PBIS back up and running in Gainesville City as they first started with initial implementation back in 2008.
Presentation Abstract
Gainesville City School System (GCSS) started its journey with PBIS in 2008. In 2015, GCSS renewed its sense of purpose and dedication to PBIS. Come learn about our journey to become a PBIS district committed to implementation with fidelity while redeveloping and recommitting ourselves to a common vision, language, and overall quality PBIS experience. District-wide and school-wide PBIS requires systemic support in order to improve use of resources, implementation, and organization. The supportive contexts we will discuss include parents, community agencies, bus transportation, and basic district and school level supports so that we are working collaboratively to “Be the ONE: Ready, Respectful, Responsible, Role Model.”
Recommended Citation
Sears, Leigh B.; Crumley, Chad; and Montesinos, Whitney, "Implementing PBIS With Fidelity - One District's Journey" (2016). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 20.
Implementing PBIS With Fidelity - One District's Journey
Gainesville City School System (GCSS) started its journey with PBIS in 2008. In 2015, GCSS renewed its sense of purpose and dedication to PBIS. Come learn about our journey to become a PBIS district committed to implementation with fidelity while redeveloping and recommitting ourselves to a common vision, language, and overall quality PBIS experience. District-wide and school-wide PBIS requires systemic support in order to improve use of resources, implementation, and organization. The supportive contexts we will discuss include parents, community agencies, bus transportation, and basic district and school level supports so that we are working collaboratively to “Be the ONE: Ready, Respectful, Responsible, Role Model.”