Biography of Primary Presenter
Larry A. Guilford has devoted over 19 years of his life to working with youth. He is a proven educator and administrator, having successfully managed several district initiatives that address changing the cultural and climate of schools. Mr. Guilford has degrees from Tuskegee University, Columbus State University, Valdosta State University and he is currently working on his Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction at Mercer University. Mr. Guilford is recognized for his development and implementation of programs for difficult-to-reach students, which emphasize improving behavior, self-esteem, setting goals, expanding comfort zones, and preparing to be academically successful. Mr. Guilford has spent a bulk of his education career managing, implementing and overseeing schools/ programs that focused on PBIS, Improving Focus Schools, Improving Schools Graduation Rates and Decreasing the Disproportionality Suspension rates in DeKalb, Atlanta and Clayton County Schools.
Presentation Abstract
Eddie J. White K-8 Academy in Clayton County is the largest K-8 public school in the state of Georgia. We have over 1400 students enrolled in our Academy. In our inaugural year of implementation of PBIS, we saw a major shift in the culture and climate of the school. The staff at Eddie J. White Academy bought into the initiative and implemented the program with fidelity. Because of the staff, students and parents efforts, Eddie J. White Academy saw the number of Office Discipline Referrals decrease by over 55%. Parents were kept abreast of the interventions that we were using to improve behavior and they reinforced those behaviors at home as well.
The number of students assigned to ISS decreased by close to 70%. These efforts have already proven to be beneficial based on our GMAS data. When students spend more time in class and less time isolated because of discipline incidents students achieve at a higher level. The PBIS Committee worked hard with the staff to cultivate a commitment to change. Our committee focused on developing relationships with staff members who didn’t have a clear understanding of PBIS and its purpose. Eddie J. White K-8 Academy staff did a great job this school year changing the way they interacted with students. The focus on positive interactions between all key stakeholders in the building has changed the culture and climate of our school.
Recommended Citation
Guilford, Larry A. and Rupert, Carolyn, "Cultivating Commitments, Relationships and Positive Interactions (CCRPI - K-8 Academy)" (2016). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 13.
Cultivating Commitments, Relationships and Positive Interactions (CCRPI - K-8 Academy)
Eddie J. White K-8 Academy in Clayton County is the largest K-8 public school in the state of Georgia. We have over 1400 students enrolled in our Academy. In our inaugural year of implementation of PBIS, we saw a major shift in the culture and climate of the school. The staff at Eddie J. White Academy bought into the initiative and implemented the program with fidelity. Because of the staff, students and parents efforts, Eddie J. White Academy saw the number of Office Discipline Referrals decrease by over 55%. Parents were kept abreast of the interventions that we were using to improve behavior and they reinforced those behaviors at home as well.
The number of students assigned to ISS decreased by close to 70%. These efforts have already proven to be beneficial based on our GMAS data. When students spend more time in class and less time isolated because of discipline incidents students achieve at a higher level. The PBIS Committee worked hard with the staff to cultivate a commitment to change. Our committee focused on developing relationships with staff members who didn’t have a clear understanding of PBIS and its purpose. Eddie J. White K-8 Academy staff did a great job this school year changing the way they interacted with students. The focus on positive interactions between all key stakeholders in the building has changed the culture and climate of our school.