The PBIS-Token Economy Toolbox
Brief Biography
Jessica Burger has served as a teacher in a selfcontained GNETS program for 14 years. She spent one year as her site’s PBIS coach and is currently the FUTURES Program’s PBIS District Coordinator. She is currently enrolled at UGA earning an Educational Specialist in Special Education and completing the coursework and supervised hours to become a BCBA.
Meg McDuffie earned her MPA from North Georgia College and State University. She has 6 years prior experience working for the Department of Juvenile Justice where she served on many local interagency committees and worked extensively with community based services to assist students with behavioral needs. She has spent the past 9 years working for the Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Supports (GNETS). Of those 9 years, she was a classroom teacher for 7 years and is in her 2nd year serving as a Behavior Specialist for the Futures GNETS Program consulting within the program as well as in the local area school systems. She is currently enrolled at UGA working toward earning her Educational Specialist degree and completing the coursework and supervised hours to become a BCBA.
Highest Degree of Presenter(s)
Jessica Burger-Masters-Elementary Education
Meg McDuffie-Masters-Public Administration
Presentation Abstract
The Futures Program has developed a daily data collection tool (Daily Point Sheet) that monitors PBIS expectations and rules (through mastery of social skills goals) and individual exit criteria for each student, using the SWIS Suite data collection system. The students daily point sheet utilizes ISIS for exit criteria and CICO for showing mastery of social skills. The program has directly correlated the PBIS matrix with the Social Skills and the PBIS expectations that are used program wide. The PBIS rules are the program’s social skills, which have been broken down into a stepbystep task analysis that are then used for direct social skill instruction. Formal, direct social skills instruction happens several times a day within each class and teaching of individual replacement skills happens on an as needed basis for each student. The prosocial skills economy is then linked to the PBIS matrix rules. Social Skills are reinforced on the data collection tool, which allows for students to earn points at predetermined intervals based on their demonstration of the steps for each social skill.
Recommended Citation
Burger, Jessica and McDuffie, Meg, "The PBIS-Token Economy Toolbox" (2014). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 67.
The PBIS-Token Economy Toolbox
The Futures Program has developed a daily data collection tool (Daily Point Sheet) that monitors PBIS expectations and rules (through mastery of social skills goals) and individual exit criteria for each student, using the SWIS Suite data collection system. The students daily point sheet utilizes ISIS for exit criteria and CICO for showing mastery of social skills. The program has directly correlated the PBIS matrix with the Social Skills and the PBIS expectations that are used program wide. The PBIS rules are the program’s social skills, which have been broken down into a stepbystep task analysis that are then used for direct social skill instruction. Formal, direct social skills instruction happens several times a day within each class and teaching of individual replacement skills happens on an as needed basis for each student. The prosocial skills economy is then linked to the PBIS matrix rules. Social Skills are reinforced on the data collection tool, which allows for students to earn points at predetermined intervals based on their demonstration of the steps for each social skill.