Leading Through Collaboration: Designing Successful IL Curriculum Development Programs

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation

Type of Presentation

Panel (1 hour and 15 minutes presentation total for two or more presenters)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 211




Because faculty members in the disciplines are the primary developers of course- and department-level curricula, it is essential for librarians to initiate and sustain partnerships with them, in order to lead efforts at integration of information literacy into all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Offering instructional development grants, stipends, or other incentives to faculty to partner with a librarian to develop IL curricular innovations is one important method for deepening faculty-librarian collaborations. Collaborative, incentivized information literacy grant programming can catalyze this integration by fostering mutually-beneficial, enthusiastic partnerships between librarians and faculty; by ensuring the library has an active, ongoing presence in newly-designed curricula; and by improving institutional student learning outcomes related to information literacy and critical thinking.

This panel presentation will explore four IL curricular development programs that have successfully propelled the redesign of curricular approaches to developing information literate students at Indiana University Bloomington, the University of Alaska Anchorage, the University of Denver, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Panelists will detail the administrative structures of their programs, highlight learning outcomes assessment data and resulting curricular changes, and finally provide practical tips on developing, coordinating, and sustaining these programs. This panel will provide the perspectives of librarians coordinating these programs from a variety of institutional types with differing funding and curricular approaches.

Short Description

This panel presentation will describe the characteristics of four successful information literacy curriculum development programs which offer instructional grants, stipends, or other incentives to faculty to partner with a librarian to develop curricular innovations in their course(s) that enhance information literacy. Panelists will detail the administrative structures of their programs, highlight learning outcomes assessment data and resulting curricular changes, and finally provide practical tips on developing, coordinating, and sustaining these programs.


information literacy, collaboration, curriculum development, faculty stipends, teaching

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

GAINTLIT_2018_Forbes_Suppl_Leading Through Collaboration--handout.pdf (146 kB)
Leading Through Collaboration Handout


Sep 28th, 8:30 AM Sep 28th, 9:45 AM

Leading Through Collaboration: Designing Successful IL Curriculum Development Programs

Room 211

Because faculty members in the disciplines are the primary developers of course- and department-level curricula, it is essential for librarians to initiate and sustain partnerships with them, in order to lead efforts at integration of information literacy into all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Offering instructional development grants, stipends, or other incentives to faculty to partner with a librarian to develop IL curricular innovations is one important method for deepening faculty-librarian collaborations. Collaborative, incentivized information literacy grant programming can catalyze this integration by fostering mutually-beneficial, enthusiastic partnerships between librarians and faculty; by ensuring the library has an active, ongoing presence in newly-designed curricula; and by improving institutional student learning outcomes related to information literacy and critical thinking.

This panel presentation will explore four IL curricular development programs that have successfully propelled the redesign of curricular approaches to developing information literate students at Indiana University Bloomington, the University of Alaska Anchorage, the University of Denver, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Panelists will detail the administrative structures of their programs, highlight learning outcomes assessment data and resulting curricular changes, and finally provide practical tips on developing, coordinating, and sustaining these programs. This panel will provide the perspectives of librarians coordinating these programs from a variety of institutional types with differing funding and curricular approaches.