Building Relationships: Mapping the Journey from One-Shots to a Strategic Program of Information Literacy instruction

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 211


Concerned that our instruction program of traditional one-shots and one-shot series was not as effective in developing information literate students as it could be, our small staff undertook a two year development project with the goal of delivering strategically targeted instruction. We articulated, sequenced, and scaled a scaffolded instruction program having breadth across the university curricula and depth within individual majors. In the process, we identified courses requiring a research component and correlated those courses with the numbers of students enrolled and well-populated majors to target the most effective placement of our instruction efforts. The presentation revisits the steps of the journey, sharing how to systematically assess the current presence of information literacy in the curricula, determine where in the curriculum instruction can be most effective (defined as reaching the greatest number of students and meeting an information literacy need), and identify how to access those students by building relationships with faculty. Differing programmatic structures are discussed, including horizontal programs across majors and vertically tiered programs, resulting in a growing instruction program that is thoughtful, intentional, and strategic.

Short Description

Concerned that your instruction program of traditional one-shots or a series of one-shots isn’t as effective as you want it to be? If our small staff can articulate, sequence, and scale a scaffolded instruction program across the university curricula and within individual majors, you can too. We revisit the steps of our journey and share how to systematically build your program by building relationships with faculty. Help your faculty to know your program is thoughtful, intentional, and strategic (like theirs!).


curriculum mapping, instruction program, programmatic structures, scaffolded instruction, faculty relationships

Publication Type and Release Option



Sep 15th, 1:15 PM Sep 15th, 2:30 PM

Building Relationships: Mapping the Journey from One-Shots to a Strategic Program of Information Literacy instruction

Room 211

Concerned that our instruction program of traditional one-shots and one-shot series was not as effective in developing information literate students as it could be, our small staff undertook a two year development project with the goal of delivering strategically targeted instruction. We articulated, sequenced, and scaled a scaffolded instruction program having breadth across the university curricula and depth within individual majors. In the process, we identified courses requiring a research component and correlated those courses with the numbers of students enrolled and well-populated majors to target the most effective placement of our instruction efforts. The presentation revisits the steps of the journey, sharing how to systematically assess the current presence of information literacy in the curricula, determine where in the curriculum instruction can be most effective (defined as reaching the greatest number of students and meeting an information literacy need), and identify how to access those students by building relationships with faculty. Differing programmatic structures are discussed, including horizontal programs across majors and vertically tiered programs, resulting in a growing instruction program that is thoughtful, intentional, and strategic.