Type of Presentation

Workshop (1 hour and 15 minutes)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1005


According to the projected timeline, the ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force will have completed the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education by the time this conference convenes in October. The Framework expands and re-defines information literacy in ways that reflect how university students consume and produce information. Consequently, academic librarians will be challenged to revisit and revise their own understanding and teaching of information literacy. In this workshop, the presenters will lead up to 25 participants through a series of explanations and activities designed to explore an unfamiliar component of the Framework—threshold concepts. We will alternate explanations and activities in order to match participants experience with these key elements of the Framework.

  • Introductions and preparation for discussion (10 min)
  • Threshold concepts defined and introduced. (15-18 min)
  • Think, pair, share activity to identify the problem areas participants currently experience. How are these problem areas addressed in the threshold concepts? (20 min)
  • Re-framing assignments: Before the workshop begins, participants will succinctly describe a favorite or often used lesson plan on an index card. After discussing threshold concepts, small groups will “re-frame” assignments in terms of what they have learned about the threshold concepts. Each group reports one assignment. (25 min)

Short Description

Join with colleagues in engaging in the troublesome—yet transformative—work of understanding the threshold concepts described in the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. How will you integrate your experience teaching to standards and outcomes with a Framework that has neither? Come ready to share and to check your reserve at the door; your participation determines the value gained from this workshop. Limited to 25 participants.


threshold, instruction, ACRL, information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Oct 11th, 11:15 AM Oct 11th, 12:45 PM

Crossing the threshold with the Framework for Information Literacy

Room 1005

According to the projected timeline, the ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force will have completed the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education by the time this conference convenes in October. The Framework expands and re-defines information literacy in ways that reflect how university students consume and produce information. Consequently, academic librarians will be challenged to revisit and revise their own understanding and teaching of information literacy. In this workshop, the presenters will lead up to 25 participants through a series of explanations and activities designed to explore an unfamiliar component of the Framework—threshold concepts. We will alternate explanations and activities in order to match participants experience with these key elements of the Framework.

  • Introductions and preparation for discussion (10 min)
  • Threshold concepts defined and introduced. (15-18 min)
  • Think, pair, share activity to identify the problem areas participants currently experience. How are these problem areas addressed in the threshold concepts? (20 min)
  • Re-framing assignments: Before the workshop begins, participants will succinctly describe a favorite or often used lesson plan on an index card. After discussing threshold concepts, small groups will “re-frame” assignments in terms of what they have learned about the threshold concepts. Each group reports one assignment. (25 min)